    摘 要尽管英语教学随着教育改革的深化发生了很大的变化,但是城乡英语教育的差距还是很大。造成农村英语教育落后的原因有:城乡分割的二元经济制度;城乡分离的户籍制度;家长陈旧的教育思想;学生对英语的兴趣不足;艰苦的教学环境等。本文结合农村英语教育的实际情况,提出了一些缩小城乡英语教育的建议:大力发展农村经济;改变农村家长的思想;扩大义务教育范围;丰富英语教学活动;改善教学环境。因此,家庭,学校及社会应共同努力,积极采取措施来解决农村英语教育问题。23791
    Although great changes have taken place in English teaching with the deepening of the reform of education, the differences between urban and rural areas are still very large. The causes of educational backwardness in rural areas are urban-rural dual economic system partition, separation of urban and rural household registration system, parents’ outdated educational concept, shortages of students’ interests in learning English and hard teaching environment. Combined with the actual situation of English education in the rural, I put forward some suggestions narrowing urban-rural English education, such as developing the rural economy, changing rural parents thought, expanding the scope of compulsory education, enriching English teaching activities and improving the teaching environment. Therefore, the family, school and community should work together to take active measures to address the English education in rural areas.
    Key words: education gap; English education in rural areas; urban-rural integration; urban and rural areas coordination
     English Education in Rural Areas——from the View of the Gap Between the Urban and Rural
    摘 要     i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Performance of Urban-Rural Gap in Rural English Education    2
    III. The Reasons of Rural Low Education    3
     3.1 Separation of Urban and Rural Household Registration System    3
     3.2 Differences in Industrial Structure and Dual Economic Structure    4
     3.3 Seriousness of Parents’ Traditional Concept    5
     3.4 Poor Conditions of Schools and the Shortage of Teachers    6
     3.5 Ignorance of English Education by Government    7
     3.6 Shortages of Students’ Interests in Learning English    8
    Ⅳ. The Measures to Narrow the Gap Between Urban and Rural Areas    8
     4.1 Adjust Rural Industrial Structure and Develop Rural Enterprises    8
     4.2 Improve Parents’ Concept and Their Qualities    10
     4.3 Expand the Scope of Compulsory Education    10
     4.4 Improve the Teaching Environment and Enrich Teaching Activities    11
     4.5 Strengthen the Construction of Rural Teachers    14
     4.6 Attract More and More Highly Educated College Students    14
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17            
    I. Introduction
    English is the world’s main international language, and it is the most widely used language in the world. There are about 20 countries in the world using English as an official language or second language, that is to say, almost every one in ten people speaks English. English has already become one of the world’s dozens of the official language of the state. Most of the international conference is taking English as the first language and it’s also the Unites Nations official working language.
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