
    摘要语言的性别差异是指男女在使用同一种语言或方言时表现出来的差别。这种差异是指普遍存在于人类社会的客观事实,也是社会语言学研究的一个重要问题。随着微博的广泛流行,微博语言在生活方方面面的渗透。本文将与时代特征相结合,在语言学领域进行创新,尝试研究汉语“微博”中性别歧视现象。本文将收集微博用户中的性别歧视语言,运用萨皮尔-沃夫假说(Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)对其进行分析,并尝试结合当前的时代特征,以及当代人的心理特点来探讨其形成的原因,并提出一些具有创造性的建议或措施,尽量有助于减少微博语言中的性别歧视,从而提高提高女性社会地位,促进社会和谐发展。67370

    毕业论文关键词  性别歧视   微博语言   女性地位   萨皮尔-沃夫假说

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  An Analysis of Gender Discrimination of Chinese Microblog Language


    Gender discrimination is a prevalent phenomenon in society. It is not only reflected in all the aspects of social life but also in language and language use. It is an important issue in the study of sociolinguistics. With the great popularity of microblogs, the microblog language has penetrated in our daily life. Based on Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, this paper analyzes gender discriminative discourses collected from Chinese microblogs and puts forward some creative suggestions on how to reduce the gender discrimination of Chinese microblog language. The purpose of this paper is to enhance people’s gender awareness in the use of Chinese language, avoid sexist language, and promote the harmony of society.

    Keywords   Gender Discrimination   Microblog Language   Women Status Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

    Table of Contents

    1  Introduction 1

    1.1  Previous Studies on Gender Discrimination 1

    1.2  Introduction of Microblog 2

    2  Theory and Research Methodology 2

    2.1  Theory: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 2

    2.2  Research Methodology 4

    2.3  Relevant Concepts 4

    3  Analysis 6

    3.1  Gender Discrimination 6

    3.2  Reasons 9

    3.3  Suggestions 10

    Conclusion 12

    Acknowledgements 14

    Bibliography 15

    1 Introduction

    Language is in some sense a mirror of society. As an ideographic language with syntactic and semantic systems, Chinese language provides a vivid picture of Chinese society as a sexist one. Generally speaking, in the language, gender difference refers to the difference performed by men and women when they use the same language or dialect. This difference is an objective fact ubiquitous in human society. It is one of the common manifestations of language variants and also is an important issue in the study of sociolinguistics. 文献综述

    1.1 Previous Studies on Gender Discrimination

    The study of sex difference in language originated from the early 1970s. After 1980s, the gender of the speaker, together with the age and the class of the speaker has formed a tripod pattern in language use. Also, it gradually becomes a focus of the study of sociolinguistics, thus drawing a widespread attention among the scholars. Since the western women’s liberation movements in the early seventies of the twentieth century, linguists and feminist in English-speaking world began to pay attention to the discrimination against women in English language. Some experts also put forward certain recommendations and measures to eliminate gender discrimination in English, which obtained the support from the society and achieved some encouraging results.

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