Acknowledgments My strongest gratitude first goes to Mrs. Lin Xiaojun my supervisor, who has generously shared her inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face discussion sessions. Without her generous help and meticulous concern about my study and without his constructive suggestions for this graduation thesis, I wouldn’t finish it in time.
Here I also would like to avail myself of this opportunity to thank all the other professors, teaching staffs and executives in the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Institute of Technology. Their unselfish guidance in my study will be always cherished and appreciated.23922
Lastly, I would like to extend my profound gratitude to all my family members and all my friends. Their staunch support and encouragement when I am encountering with difficulties and frustrations really give me the courage and confidence to carry on. I feel so lucky, for I have so many amiable teachers, relatives and friends around me, who are ready to lend me their hands any time.
So, thank all the distinguished professors and teachers, many best friend and my family members, thank you for your help and support.
David Herbert Lawrence was born on 11 September 1885 and died on 2 March 1930. He was a disputable and important English writer in the world in the 20th century, and he lived in the greatest working-class family. The landmark of Lawrence's creation is a psychological analysis novel named Sons and Lovers.
This thesis attempts to analyze the roots of Paul’s love tragedy in details from the social reasons, family reasons, Paul’s personality and Oedipus complex. In terms of social background information, rapid economic and cultural transition directly leads to the extending gap between the rich and the poor. Capitalist industrialization hinders the development of people, strangles the nature of human; In term of domestic environment, the bad relationship between his parents results in the fact that Mrs. Morel’s affection switches to her sons. Besides, Paul’s personality and Oedipus complex also attribute to his love misfortune.
This thesis analyses the causes of Paul’s love tragedy. In this paper, there are altogether five parts. In the first part, there is a brief introduction of D.H Lawrence and his production, sons and lovers. Then the second part focuses on social background information, especially the background of the industrial revolution. The third and fourth parts are the main parts of this thesis, which analyses the reasons of Paul’s love tragedy, including family reasons and Paul’s personal reasons. The last part functions as a conclusion.
Key Words: Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, psychoanalytic novel, realism.
摘要大卫•赫伯特•劳伦斯( 1885年9月11日- 1930年3月2日)是20世纪世界上一位重要的而有争议的英国作家,来自一个工薪阶层家庭。儿子与情人,是劳伦斯创作的里程碑,是一部自传体心理分析小说。
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