摘 要随着国际交往的日益密切,中国对英语尤其是英语口语的要求不断提高,作为外语学习中最重要的学习者情感因素之一,动机对外语学习过程和结果有着至关重要的影响。然而,在中国这样一个缺少目的语环境的国家,如何激发非英语专业大学生学习英语口语动机的问题尚未得到有效解决。本文通过调查发现英语口语学习中遇到的各种问题,总结影响英语口语动机的因素和激发口语学习动机的一些办法,论述动机在口语学习中的重要作用。对各级类型的英语教学有一定的启发和帮助。23895
Abstract With the economic and social development, the exchanges between China and other countries are on the rise. The demand of Oral English increases in China, as one of the most important affective factors in Learning. Motivation has great influence on both the learning process and result. However, it is an issue that how to inspire the oral English learning motivation of non-English major students at present lack of target language environment. This paper, through the survey finds all sorts of problems encountered in the Oral English learning and sums up the factors affecting Oral English motivation and some solution of Oral English learning motivation. This paper discusses the motivation which plays an important part in oral English learning. It can help and inspire the types of English teaching at all levels.
Key words: non-English major undergraduates; Oral English; learning motivation
The Analysis of How to Inspire the Oral English Learning Motivation of Non-English Major Students
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
Ⅱ.The Motivation 1
2.1 The Definition of Motivation 1
2.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation 2
2.3 Integrative and Instrumental Motivation 3
Ⅲ.The Investigation and Factors Affecting Motivation 4
3.1 Teachers’ Teaching Problems in Chinese College 4
3.2Learners—Related Problems 5
3.3Learning Environment and Process—Related Problems 6
3.4Internal Factors 6
3.5External Factors 8
Ⅳ.The Methods and Strategies of How to Deal With Them 9
4.1Establishing a Pleasant and Supportive oral English Learning Environments 10
4.2 Building up the Students’ Self-Efficacy 10
4.3Setting Proximal and Distal Goals 11
4.4Improving the Personal Quality of Teachers 12
Ⅴ.Summary 13
Bibliography 15
Acknowledgements 16
Ⅰ. Introduction
Considering Chinese non-English major students’ overall scarce capacity in their Oral English and the increasing importance of Oral English in today’s China, the author decides to conduct this research, with the aim to find out the strategies used in learning oral English among Chinese English college students.
Motivation, the most important affective factors in EFL learning, is the great significant component on both the learning process and result. In the oral English teaching, most teachers always faced to some unmotivated or demotivated students. The motivation problems restrain the English teaching and leaning going successfully and effectively. Unfortunately, the current researches on language learning motivation mainly focus on the importance of motivation. There is nearly no studies concern the motivational factors, teacher’s influence on learners’ motivation and the motivational strategies in oral English teaching and learning. Due to the existing motivational problems in oral English teaching and learning, and the current situation of motivation researches, this paper try to research and analyze the factor affecting learners’ motivation, and seek for the teaching strategies to inspire the learners’ motivation. This paper presents the motivation theories and their implications in language teaching, studies the motivational factors and puts forward some motivational strategies. The author hope that the conclusion of the investigation and the solutions suggested can help oral English teaching and learning.
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