1 Introduction.1
1.1 Background Information of Lawrence..1
1.2 Background Information of Sons and Lovers2
2 Social Reasons of Paul’s Love Tragedy4
2.1 Paul’s love Tragedy4
2.2Social Reasons of the Tragedy5
3 Family Reasons of Paul’s Love Tragedy.6
3.1 Bad Relationship of Parents.6
3.2 Death of the Elder Brother7
3.3 Mother’s Abnormal Love and Expectation of Paul..8
4 Personal Reasons of Paul’s Love Tragedy..10
4.1 Paul’s Personality.10
4.2 Oedipus Complex.11
5 Conclusions14
1 Introduction
Sons and lovers was D.H Lawrence’s main work, it is also considered to be his best one. To some extent, his novel is the description of the relationship between man and woman, social levels, sexuality and the change in Britain’s social. Since the birth of this novel, varies comments on it were continuous. This novel is a brief introduction the characteristic of the main character, Paul Morel and his love tragedy, Lawrence felt this character looks like him when he grows up, so Lawrence rewrote the description of this character four times until he was satisfy with it. Although before the publication this novel was called ‘Paul Morel’ by people, and the author decided the name is Sons and Lovers eventually. The name of this novel is like a mystery, let the readers can’t see the meaning that he wants to express. In a words, the main character of this novel is not just him, also including his parents, his brothers and sister, that making the production less autobiographical ques as well as the description of Paul.
1.1 Background Information of Lawrence
David Herbert Lawrence was born on 11 September 1885 and died on 2 March 1930. He was a disputable and important English writer in the world in the 20th century, and he lived in the greatest working-class family. The landmark of Lawrence's creation is a psychological analysis novel named Sons and Lovers. In his childhood, he studied while worked. Lawrence was a novelist, poet and playwright with his output spanning novels, travel books, paintings, short stories, plays, essays, literary criticism, poems, translations, and private letters. These works describe the devastation of the industrial revolution in human nature, the warping of human relationship and the wrong moral in people’s mind. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, sexuality, and instinctive behavior. Lawrence’s artistic tendency is mainly realism, which combines dramatic scenes with an authoritative commentary and he endows the traditional realism with a fresh psychological meaning. In March, 1912, Lawrence met his beloved people, Frieda Weekly, he spend a lifetime with her. She was a great wife and they had three children. She had been accompanied by his side until all along until his death. Lawrence was arrested and appointed to being a British spy by British government during 1912 to 1914. After the war ended, Lawrence started his topic 'savage pilgrimage' during the period of that time. Next, he took his wife escaped from England and began their unforgettable life tripe. In 1930, the disease erosion of his body, his lung function was recession, and he died at that year.
Applying the realistic skills, Lawrence describes the growth of a boy born in Middle England, and reveals the tragic life of the miner's son. It is a modernistic novel to reveal the psychological problem of the protagonist, Paul, and Lawrence has shown his dissatisfaction with the mechanical civilization.
During his whole life, he writes 10 novels, more than 40 stories, almost one thousand poems and 4 plays. Sons and Lovers, which is the landmark of Lawrence's creation is an autobiographical psychoanalytic novel. Applying the realistic skills, Lawrence describes the growth of a boy born in Middle England, and reveals the tragic life of the miner's son. It is a modernistic novel to reveal the psychological problem of the protagonist, Paul.
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