4.3 Inpidualized Privacy and Taboo in English and Chinese21
5 Conclusion22
6 Bibliography.24
1 Introduction
To analyze from a given angle, the language acquisition falls into two categories. One is the mother tongue acquisition. The other one is any language acquisition except the mother tongue acquisition, which is called a second language acquisition. The second language acquisition, which plays a significant role in applied linguistics, is always a hot research subject of language learning. To a great extent, the result of second language acquisition is determined by the ways and methods used in the second language acquisition. The negative transfer of mother tongue is a big issue on second language acquisition. This paper aims to analyze and define the influence, or rather, the negative transfer of mother tongue the different parameters of Chinese cause to the acquisition of English from four perspectives: the analysis of Morphology, the analysis of Syntax, the analysis of Semantic, and the analysis of Pragmatics of the target language. This paper tries to expound and prove an effective method corresponding to the issue under discussion, only to lead to a correct conclusion on how to curb effectively on the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in a second language acquisition, which might be of some help to the learners. The concrete measures are as follows:
Firstly, this paper is to clarify the dilemma that the English language learners who are Chinese native speakers may face during the English language acquisition under the influence of the negative transfer of mother tongue from four perspectives: Morphology, Syntax, Semantic and Pragmatics. While the prerequisite acknowledgment to be fully aware of here is: language is unique, each language is particular to its own nation, and human languages are alike with only their parameters being different. So, to some extent, differences as well as similarities, which explain why a mother tongue might have a negative transfer influence, or rather, a misleading effect on a target language acquisition in many aspects. Therefore, the negative transfer of mother tongue refers to the influence caused by the similarities between the mother tongue and the target language. Those are things that are misleading if not well aware of in the second language acquisition on the part of the learners. Mother tongue transfer reflects a sort of psychological phenomenon on the part of the learner throughout his study of a foreign language output. During the process of a second language acquisition, some of the mother tongue knowledge, which does not match squarely with the target language system, as a frame of reference, is often improperly applied to the output or the usage of the target language, which would only lead to errors in the output of the target language. Such interferences of the mother tongue in the target language acquisition are often referred to as the negative transfer of mother tongue.
Secondly, this paper is to clarify and definite the negative transfer of mother tongue is unavoidable or incurable in the process of language acquisition. Mental set of the Chinese mother tongue makes the English learners unconsciously and involuntarily apt to apply the Chinese language system principles to English output in their process of English learning. Then “Chinglish” appears which offends against the English language. Second language acquisition is easily affected by the negative transfer of mother tongue. Therefore, to analyze thoroughly the different parameters of different language to prevent the negative transfer of mother tongue, in the second language acquisition has profound significance in reality.
Thirdly, this paper is to bring up and analyze and solve the problem through classifying and dissecting the above-mentioned typical examples and demonstrations in the second language acquisition under the influence of the negative transfer of mother tongue. This paper aims to expound on and propose how to curb effectively on the negative transfer of mother tongue in a second language acquisition. This paper also tries to promote the scientificity and reduce the blindness of the second language acquisition. This paper is an entire research of practical teaching method of the second language acquisition in view of Applied Linguistics.
- 上一篇:德语论文浅析卡夫卡对中国作家的影响
- 下一篇:以《白宫管家》为例浅析电影台词翻译的中西方文化差异