
    2 Semantic Inconformity of Parameters between English and Chinese
    As is mentioned above, each language is unique. It cannot be described in terms of any other language, or even in terms of its own past. Just like what has been described by Leonard Bloomfield(1933,) in his Language, “All languages are systems of human conventions, not systems of natural laws. They cannot be described in terms of logic or of some theoretical, ideal language.” Bloomfield said that each language is unique to the sense that languages are dynamite, not static in his point view of Descriptive Linguistics. While this essay holes firmly on the proposition that each language has its own parameters in many aspects to define it as independent of all the other languages. And this chapter is especially devoted to the semantic inconformity of parameters between English and Chinese in view of proving why the second language acquisition cannot be made a practice of drawing on all the experiences and the rules from the learner’s mother tongue in his English language acquisition. First of all, as the saying goes, words originally have no meanings, but person have meanings for them all, from which one infer that synonymes in two languages cannot simply be replaced by synonymes from other languages in the second language acquisition.

    Jiang. N (2000:47-77) presents three modes of study in lexicon in. These modes are associative stage, vocabulary mixing stage and complete fusion stage. He considers that learners in the first stage of his second language acquisition need information processing and an output of their relative lexicon from their mother tongue translation as an intermediary. That is to say, mother tongue takes the role of an intermediary between concept and language in this stage.
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