Abstract Classroom questioning is always an important means of English classroom teaching. Carefully designing and properly using a variety of different types of questions can guide the students to think actively, take the initiative to learn, and enable students to participate in classroom communication activities. Then it can increase the comprehensible output to promote language acquisition and ultimately achieve the purpose of improving the effectiveness of teaching. Therefore, investigating and researching the current situation of classroom questioning in English teaching have extremely vital significance to increase the quality of English teaching. On the basis of previous studies, the author researches the situation of teacher’s questioning in English classroom between primary school and junior middle school, so as to promote students’ SLA and improve the quality of English teaching.
Key words:teacher’s questioning; primary school and junior middle school;
English classroom; comparative study
A Comparative Study of Teacher’s Questioning in English Classes between Junior Middle School and Primary School
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Understanding of Teacher’s Questioning 2
2.1 Definition of Teacher’s Questioning 2
2.2 Types of Teacher’s Questioning 3
2.3 Functions of Teacher’s Questioning 4
III. The Analysis of the Difference in Teacher’s Questioning in Primary School and Junior Middle School 5
3.1 The Different Types of Teacher’s Questioning between Primary School and Junior Middle School 5
3.2 The Different Wait-times of Teacher’s Questioning between Primary School and Junior Middle School 7
IV. The Main Existing Problems in Teacher’s Questioning 9
4.1 The Lagged Teaching Idea 9
4.2 The Principle Taken on Teacher’s Questioning 9
V. Suggestions 11
5.1 Creating an Equal and Harmonious Classroom Atmosphere 11
5.2 Defining the Purpose of Questioning 11
5.3 Giving Feedback Timely and Providing Adequate Waiting Time 12
VI. Conclusion 12
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgements 15
I. Introduction
Classroom questioning is the main form of teacher-student exchange of information and language practice. “Questioning is one of the most frequently used teaching techniques” (Richard steal 379). It also plays an important part in effective teaching. To some extent, the art of classroom teaching is the art of classroom questioning. Questions will directly influence the quality of classroom teaching. Sterling G.Callahan, an American educational expert, thinks that questioning is the basic control means for teachers to promote students’ thinking in order to evaluate the teaching effect and push students to achieve the desired goals. According to Postman (140), “All of our knowledge results from questions”. Chus ka (126) claims that teacher’s question can help students to connect current learning with previous and even subsequent learning. There is no exaggeration to say that people can hardly find a lesson without questions from beginning to end. According to the survey, questioning accounts for 25% to 45% in the activities of English classroom interaction which plays an important role in the success or failure of English teaching. “Too many educators and teachers to encourage students to think are far more crucial than to impart information. And the ultimate purpose of education is to enable students to think creatively and resolve doubts by themselves” (Jacobsen, D. A 145). So important role questioning in classroom teaching is because questioning is the necessary component to constitute classroom interaction and bilateral communication between teachers and students or students and students. And the communication is the essence of teaching and also the most important and basic factor in effective teaching. Classroom questioning has arisen attention in language teaching over the years.
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