There exists a considerable difference between Chinese and American in political system, traditional culture, historical background and other aspects. As for the campus culture in universities, this paper will analyze the differences in campus culture between Chinese and American. On the basis of it, this article deeply discussed the cultural difference between Chinese and American and strongly hopes the two countries can learn from each other so that they can regard each other as a reference in the cultural construction of university campus and absorb the advantages of each other at the same time to improve the development of campus culture in universities.
II. An Overview of the College Campus Culture
2.1 Definition and Constituent of the College Campus Culture
Campus culture is like school rule, moral standards, spiritual support and living customs, which is not only a way of educating and learning formed through a long-term practice, but also the mutual values of students and teachers. In a word, “campus culture is the reflection of modern spirits, the exemplification of group sense which is established through the development of schools and directive thoughts” (Cai9).
The mode of campus culture can be pided into two parts: “dominant mode and recessive mode” (Zhang and Wu 52). The dominant mode consists of everything happened on campus, such as the substance culture, class culture, out-class culture, rules culture, interpersonal relationship or the action of students, teachers and other managers. However, the values, educational ideas, ascription feelings, group opinion, managing mode, mental environment and tradition which are under the cover of consciousness of students and teachers compose the recessive mode.
2.2 Characteristics of the College Campus Culture
Educational: the principal and basic purpose of higher education is to accumulate and convey knowledge or culture in order to provide intellectual support and spiritual source for the moral motivation of society and human. In current era of knowledge-driven economy, the educational feature of higher education has become more and more prominent.
Selectivity: school is the special place to convey culture, but it does not convey all the human culture without selection that it has selectivity. Each culture may have its good essence and waste dross, but school must convey the good essence rather than the waste dross. Therefore, we should make a selection of the existing culture.
Personality and difference: the real characteristic of school lies the cultural construction of school so that school culture is created by educational practice of teachers and students in school. Therefore, every school culture cannot be the same, and each of which have its personality.
Advances and guiding feature: as an educational place where young students and intellectuals are gathered, the university is always a place for integration and collision of multi-culture and a spiritual manor of producing new culture and new ideas. However, the intellectual academic are of dependent spirits and diligent in thinking and sensitive to accept so that the roles of social criticism have always make them become the guidance of social advanced force.
Social: the university roots in society and serves for society. Therefore, the university campus culture has the basic feature of social culture that is the important source of university campus culture. The campus culture will affect the development of social culture in return.
Inheritance: as an institution of cultural education and innovation, the university shows a phenomenon that diachronic and synchronic feature both exist in cultural inheritance, which is the important ward of traditional spirits and the “brooder” of inspiring new and followings so that it is mainly reflected in the acceptance of the university spirits, university concept, national traditional values and ethics.
Innovation: the universities have the cultural innovation conditions of gathered advanced equipment, complete materials, convenient information and harmonious environment and so on, which is the important place to realize knowledge innovation, theoretic innovation and scientific innovation and is the important ward for serving society and benefiting humankind.
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