Abstract In today’s worldwide economic integration, cultural differences are unavoidable. Advertising is the most direct and effective for launching one’s product to the international market and attracting potential consumers. Advertising and culture is a two-way interaction relationship: Culture is the background of advertising creation and source, but advertising carries different countries, different cultural characteristics of the times. Native general traditional culture values, social philosophy idea, value orientations, etc, are different from other nationalities. Therefore, in accept advertising and buying behavior, consumers show the different cultural characteristics. The paper first introduce the relationship between culture and advertising, then talks about auto advertising, at last analyzes the cultural differences of auto advertising in China and the UK. This will be very helpful for effectively breaking cultural barriers of the world economy market and for enhancing mutual understanding between China and the UK.
Ky words: cultural difference; auto advertising; China and the UK
On the Cultural Differences Between China and the UK in Auto Advertising
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Culture and Advertising 2
2.1 Definition of Culture 2
2.2 Definition of Advertising 2
2.3 Relationship Between Culture and Advertising 3
III. Auto Advertising 4
3.1 Auto Advertising in the UK 4
3.2 Auto Advertising in China 4
IV. Cultural Differences of Auto Advertising in China and the UK 5
4.1 General Traditional Culture Values of China and the UK 5
4.2 Different Philosophy in Auto Advertising 7
4.3 Different Value Orientations in Auto Advertising 9
V. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgements 15
I. Introduction
With the rapid development of economy and reinforced globalization tendency of high and new technology of the industries, abundant commodities from domestic market and abroad have flocked into people’s life. Advertising, as the most direct and effective means in marketing mix, becomes a fine weapon widely used by industries in order to win the victory in the fierce commercial warfare. For this reason, every day, countless ads pour into our visual and audio fields. We have to expose more and more to the advertising pressure. Advertisings, like non-invited friends composed of images, words and sounds, no matter we like them or not, enter into our life at anytime, anywhere. Never the advertising has been so triumphant as today’s, it really becomes an indispensable part of our life.
But in consumers’ point of view, ideal merchandise is the one which can satisfy their need to the highest degree, both spiritually and materially rather than the product function itself. In this circumstance, advertisers must be able to gain an insight into consumers’ psychology and attach importance to the cultural content while creating advertising. The successful ads should build a brand name occupying a location in the minds of audiences so that consumers will firmly believe that the ultimate interest the brand provides them is the unique and the best. However, not all the ads can achieve this desired effect, especially for the international ads. Even some well-known and powerful multinational companies have experienced taste of failure while throwing some products into overseas market. In fact, most failures of all those multinational corporations are simply because of their ignoring the cultural differences--the basic or subtle understanding of cultural sensibility (Wang 2).
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