     Abstract  In the masterpiece "Gone with the Wind" of Margaret Mitchell, Scarlett is the narrative line, describing a few love entanglements of youth. Under the baptism of the Civil War, Scarlett turns into a strong, courageous, brave to bear living responsibility powerhouse during the wartime from the emotional, selfish, proud princess pre-war. Then growing into a smart, greedy but far-sighted new Southern woman in the postwar. Meanwhile, her concept of love is also changing. Though Scarlett has been in love with Ashley, she marries Charles for revenge. In order to keep Tara, she marries Frank. To satisfy her own vanity, she marries Rhett. Until the end, does she realize her true love. This paper analyzes Scarlett's three marriages, her growth and changes from the angle of love view. We can understand the social aspect of the South American in the 19th century better in that way. Wish to provide the beneficial references for contemporary women to establish a correct concept of love.
    Key words: Scarlett; character; concept of love; change
    The Growth of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind -From the View of Love

    摘 要i
     1.1 The Introduction of the Author and the American Civil War1
     1.2 Literature Review,Significance and Technique2
    II. The Changes and Growth of Scarlett's Love View 2
     2.1 The Period before the War3
      2.1.1 Scarlett in the Period before the War3
    2.1.2 Scarlett's Attitude toward Love in the Period before the War3
     2.2 The Period during the War4
    2.2.1 Scarlett's Changes with Times during the War4
    2.2.2 Scarlett's Attitude toward Love during the War5
     2.3 The Period after the War6
    2.3.1 Scarlett's Sacrifice to Protect Tara 6
    2.3.2 Scarlett's Attitude toward Love in the Period after the War 7
      2.3.3 Scarlett's Persistent Pursuit of Better Life9
    2.3.4 Scarlett's Attitude toward Love in this Period 10
     2.4 The Last Period11
      2.4.1 Scarlett's Pursuit of True Love 11
    2.4.2 Scarlett's Attitude toward Love at Last12
    III. The Significance of Scarlett's Changes13
     3.1 The Summary of Scarlett's Changes and Growth13
     3.2 The Inspiration for the Modern Women14
    IV. Conclusion15
    1.1  The Introduction of the Author and the American Civil War
        Margaret Mitchell (November 8, 1900—August 16, 1949) was born in Atlanta, Georgia. She attended Smith College, but withdrew during her freshman year in 1918. After an unfortunate marriage,she got married again in 1925. Her second husband Marsh was a reporter, who had loved and supported Mitchell for many years. Without Marsh's encouragement, Mitchell couldn't finish Gone with the Wind. She spent nearly 10 years on writing the novel. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for this novel. For half of a century, the 1000-page novel has been translated into more than 30 languages and sold more than 20,000,000 copies. Sadly, in August 1949, Mitchell was struck by a speeding automobile and died five days later.
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