    摘 要简•爱和林黛玉分别是《简•爱》和《红楼梦》的女主人公,是中外文学作品中精雕细琢,寄寓深远的两个女性形象。她们身世相近,执著追求爱情,她们都以其超越时代的自我意识及出众的人格魅力而为人们所称颂。她们在对待平等的态度上、人物形象的内涵深度上有很大的区别,从而有着迥然不同的命运。本文从跨文化解读角度对简•爱和林黛玉的不同命运进行分析研究,有利于深刻理解其性格、爱情命运, 同时,也希望提高读者文学作品鉴赏力和跨文化解读能力。24860
    Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu, the heroines of Jane Eyre (1847)and A Dream of Red Mansions (1784), are two female images carefully portrayed with extremely penetrative implications in the Chinese and foreign literary creations. Their stories are similar and their pursuit of love is persistent, and they are praised by people for self-awareness and excellent charm beyond the time. Due to their different views on equality and depth of character image, that leads to their disparate destinies. This paper mainly analyzes the different fates of Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu from the perspective of cross-cultural interpretation and helps understand characteristics, love ending, with the hope that the paper can improve the appreciation of the literature and the ability of cross-cultural interpretation.
    Key words: Jane Eyre; Lin Daiyu; fate; cross-cultural interpretation  
    Cross-Cultural Interpretation of the Different Fates of Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Jane Eyre and A Dream of Red Mansions    2
    2.1 An Introduction to Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre    2
    2.2 A General Introduction to Cao Xueqin and A Dream of Red Mansions    3
    2.3 Review of Jane Eyre and A Dream of Red Mansions    4
    III. Analysis of Jane Eyre    6
    3.1 The Life Experience and Personality    6
    3.2 The Awareness of Independence    7
    3.3 The Rebellious Spirit    8
    3.4 The Pursuit of Love    8
    IV. Analysis of Lin Daiyu    9
    4.1 The Life Background and Character    9
    4.2 The Independent Consciousness    10
    4.3 The Spirit of Revolt    10
    4.4 The View towards Love    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

        Jane Eyre (1847) is one of the masterpieces by Charlotte Bronte. Altogether the most outstanding of which is peculiar style, the whole tone of the novel is excellent. A Dream of Red Mansions written by Cao Xueqin in the middle of the 18th century is the essence of our traditional culture, and considered to be the greatest work among Chinese classical novels.
    Jane Eyre and A Dream of Red Mansions directly reflect the characteristic of cross-culture, showing the difference between the western culture and the traditional eastern culture. Meanwhile, as world economy continues to develop in fast speed, each culture develop an intimate relation with others, the world culture compares with each other and shares knowledge. A whole new research trend between Chinese and foreign literature has enriched the meaning of the literary works and to a great extent, has attracted literary celebrities’ attention that more and more scholars both at home and abroad devote themselves to the study of cross-culture.
    On the whole, cross-cultural refers to the different cultural backgrounds of communication, that is, people from different cultural backgrounds of the interaction between what happened. Generally speaking, due to the different natural environments and historical development processes, each country has its own culture, each nation emphasize its own distinctive and unique cultural type, which can be illustrated from various perspectives. Culture provides people attitude and feeling by making things different and helps people understand different fates, different lifestyles, concerns, and different life backgrounds. Once people are born and raise in a particular corner of the globe, they have acquired in their own cultural environment. Have to say, cultural differences objectively exist. In order to make a cross-cultural intimate relationship a success, it requires people to learn more about other cultures. The paper just attempts to reinterpret the different fates from the perspective of cross-cultural, and its aim to bring some fresh insights about cross-culture, and finally it can benefit us a lot in Chinese and Western culture.
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