摘 要《芒果街上的小屋》是墨西哥裔美国女作家,桑德拉•希斯内罗丝的代表作。这是一部传统意义上的成长故事,即一部成长纪事小说。在小说所描述的一年中,女主人公埃斯佩浪莎成长了许多,所以一些研究关注于女主人公的成长,而另一些研究则关注小说中的女性意识、种族、性别等问题。本文重点放在对女主人公的人物分析上。首先介绍作家作品,其次分析女主人公的外在特征,她名字的深层涵义和她的外在形象。接着是对女主人公的形象进行内在分析,她的梦想,她所面对的现实,她的蜕变以及她对于芒果街的责任。这些都会被详细地阐述。最后是对隐藏在女主人公叙述背后的奇卡娜文学主题进行解读。因此,本文为这部小说以及奇卡娜文学的理解提供了一个最直接的角度。 24925
Abstract The House on Mango Street is a masterpiece of Mexican-American female writer Sandra Cisneros. This is a traditional bildungsroman—that is, a coming-of-age story. Only one year passes over the course of the novel, but Esperanza (the female protagonist) grows tremendously during this period. Thus, some of previous studies focused on the growth of the protagonist and others focused on feminist consciousness, race, gender and so on. This research focuses on the analysis of Esperanza. First of all, research aims and significances will be stated. Secondly, this study analyzes the external factors of Esperanza, such as the deep meaning of her name and image. Then, the internal factors of Esperanza will be analyzed. The dream of heroine and the reality of her real life as well as the metamorphosis of her and responsibility to the Mango Street will be expounded. Last but not least, some Chicana literature themes which hidden behind Esperanza’s narration will be decoded. Therefore, this study provides a direct way to comprehend the whole novel and Chicana literature.
Key words: Esperanza; The House on Mango Street; external analysis; internal analysis
An Analysis of Esperanza in The House on Mango Street
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. About the Author and the Novel 2
2.1 Sandra Cisneros 2
2.2 The House on Mango Street 3
III. The Analysis of the Female Protagonist: Esperanza 3
3.1 The External Analysis of Esperanza 4
3.1.1 The Image of Esperanza 4
3.1.2 The Meaning of Esperanza’s Name 4
3.2 The Internal Analysis of Esperanza 6
3.2.1 The Dream in Esperanza’s Heart 6
3.2.2 The Metamorphosis of Esperanza 7
3.2.3 The Responsibility on Esperanza’s Shoulders 9
IV. Chicana Literature Themes Reflected in Esperanza’s Narration 11
4.1 Social Claim of Esperanza 11
4.2 Cultural Claim of Esperanza 12
V. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 16
Acknowledgements 17
I. Introduction
The House on Mango Street was first published in 1984.The writer is Sandra Cisneros, a Mexican-American lady. The novel covers a year in the life of the heroine Esperanza. Only one year passes over the course of the novel, but Esperanza grows tremendously during this period. The novel charts her life as she makes friends, grows hips, develops her first crush, and begins to write as a way of expressing herself and as a way to escape the neighborhood.
The novel mainly tells us the growth of Esperanza. Thus some of previous studies focused on the growth of the protagonist. Some scholars studied the novel from neutral aspects, such as: feminist consciousness, race, gender and so on. While other scholars study the novel in the aspect that Cisneros has betrayed the barrio (a community where most of the residents are of Spanish-speaking origin), which they are seen as an important part of Mexican tradition. The growth process of Esperanza is unique and Cisneros models Esperanza as a general epitome of Chicana. In order to comprehend Esperanza fully and deeply and to know her real life as well as Chicanas’ life experiences, social and cultural claims, the paper will mainly focus on the character analysis of Esperanza.
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