    摘 要《嘉莉妹妹》的作者——西奥多•德莱赛是自然主义文学的最杰出代表,他所创作的的嘉莉妹妹是美国文学上有争议的角色之一,嘉莉妹妹首先是以“沉沦女性”为大家所熟知,而后又被一些批评家称之为“新型女性”。为了研究在《嘉莉妹妹》中表现出来的自然主义思想,论文基于该小说的与历史和文化有关的三大背景:达尔文主义,宿命论,消费主义。同时分析自然主义的三大特点:欲望,本能和环境。嘉莉妹妹被贪得无厌的欲望所驱使,在物欲横流的消费主义文化中追求财富和名誉,尽管她最终得到了她想要的,却难以摆脱精神上的空虚。24926
    毕业论文关键词: 欲望;嘉莉妹妹;自然主义;环境
    Theodore Dreiser, the writer of Sister Carrie, is hailed as the most outstanding representative of naturalism. Sister Carrie, one of the controversial characters in American literature he create, is known as a “fallen woman” firstly, a “new woman” by some critics latterly. The analysis of naturalism represented by Sister Carrie is based on the historical and cultural background which are Darwinism,Determinism, and Consumerism. At the same time, the thesis analyzes three features of naturalism: desire, instinct and environment. Sister Carrie is driven by insatiable desire to pursue wealth and fame in the consumerism society, where the desire of materials is rampant. Although she finally gets what she wants, she is trapped in the spiritual wasteland.
    Key words: desire; Sister Carrie; naturalism; environment
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Introduction to Naturalism and Literature Review    2
    2.1 The Formation and Development of Naturalism    2
    2.2 Literature Review Used in This Paper    3
    III. Factors That Influence Carrie’s Personality and Fate    4
    3.1 The Social Environment Factor    5
    3.2 The Living Environment Factor    6
    3.3 Chance    7
    IV. The Presentation of Naturalism in Sister Carrie    8
    4.1 Sister Carrie’s Desire for Position    8
    4.2 Sister Carrie’s Desire for Money    9
    4.3 The Symbolism Used to Present Naturalism of Characters    10
    4.3.1 The First Symbolism--Rocking Chair    10
    4.3.2 The Second Symbolism—Money    11
    4.3.3 The Third Symbolism--Clothes    12
    4.3.4 The Forth Symbolism—Window    13
    4.3.5 The Fifth Symbolism--Newspaper    13
    4.3.6 The Sixth Symbolism--Theater    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    Naturalism of Theodore Dreiser in Sister Carrie
    I. Introduction

    Sister Carrie is a remarkable work, written by Theodore Dreiser. The author is an outstanding representative of naturalism and a powerful writer who vividly describes the 19th century. Carrie is the heroine of the novel which tells a story happening in the United States in the late 19th century when a large number of countryside people pour into the city, whose quick development is based on the industry and commerce. Carrie, an eighteen-year-old, simple, beautiful and smart girl, only takes 4 dollar and the vision of the future life, in order to get ride of the poverty, training to Chicago. However, the cruel reality of unemployment and disease break her sweet dream. In desperation, she becomes lover of Drouet who is a salesman. And by him, she gets acquainted with Hurstwood who is a hotel manager. Carrie’s innocent charm attracts him, who in order to get Carrie, falls into a decline quickly: to steal money of hotel, to hoax Carrie to New York. At there, Hurstwood is gradually economic deterioration while Carrie is increasingly better as a famous actress because of occasional chance. She squeezes into the upper class and abandons the poor Hurstwood. In the end, Carrie gets what she longs for, but still feels unhappy and lonely.
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