    摘 要夏洛蒂•伯朗特的小说《简•爱》是英国文学史上最伟大的文学作品之一,是根据自身经历而写的一部小说,小说采用主人公的自传体裁,描述了她的日常生活、心理状态、她眼中的自然风光和她与其他人物的对话。本文通过追溯简•爱生活经历中几次大的变迁,以及随之而来的她对待荣辱的态度、她的生死观以及爱情观的形成与成熟的过程,夏洛蒂•伯朗特展现了独立女性的人生观,即自尊自强和对生活的热爱。作者所传达的这种生活观既有它的历史意义,又有它的现实意义。它对当时与当今那些争取平等和自立的女性都是一种激励和启迪。24927
    毕业论文关键词: 人生观; 自尊; 独立精神                       
    Abstract Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Bronte, is one of the greatest works in English literature. Jane Eyre is the novel written by Charlotte Bronte according to her own experiences. By narrating the story in the form of autobiography ; by describing the daily life of the heroine, the psyche of the heroine, the natural scenery filtered through the heroine’s eyes and dialogues; by tracing changes in Jane’s life experience and maturation of her mind, Charlotte Bronte, successfully shows Jane Eyre’s self -respect and her love for life. The revelation of Jane Eyre’s view of life has its historical and modern significance. It is an encouragement to women who strive for equality and independence not only in her day but also in this age.
    Key words: view of life; self -respect; independent     
    An Analysis on the Heroine’s View of Life in Jane Eyre
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review and Relative Theories    2
    2.1. Literature Review    2
    2.2. Relative Theories    3
    III. Jane Eyre’s Life Experience    4
    3.1 Jane Eyre’s Life in Gateshead    4
    3.2 Jane Eyre’s Life at Lowood    5
    3.3 Jane Eyre’s Life at Thornfield and Moor House    7
    IV. Jane Eyre’s View of Life     8
    4.1 Jane Eyre’s Love toward Life    8
    4.2 Jane Eyre’s Independent Life Attitude    9
    4.3 Jane Eyre’s View on Equality between Man and Woman    11
    4.4. Jane Eyre’s Self-Respect    13
    4.5 Summary    15
    V. Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    I. Introduction
        Jane Eyre is the typical work of charlotte Bronte. It had enjoyed popularity in literature history. The novel narrates Jane Eyre’s life experience from an orphan to an independent woman. She was unfortunate when she was born. Because she lost her parents and was send to her aunt’s family, where she was treated badly. Jane Eyre was poor, ugly, and timid. All the power pressed her, strangled her personality. But Jane Eyre was not destroyed by the fact and she was not defeated by these difficulties. On the contrary, she learned how to live and how to be strong. She tried her best to fight for self-respect and independence. Charlotte Bronte, the author of this novel, secretly and silently presents a kind of up-ward and independent spirit which directs the growth and maturation of heroine’s life attitude in her work. That is to be self –respect, and then to be full of love toward life.
        Female consciousness is woman’s self-consciousness of status, influence and value. It is a personal motive to stimulate women’s pursuit for independence, freedom, initiative and love toward life. In this novel, the author shapes a tough and independent woman who pursues true love and equality, and is a good example of all women. Jane Eyre is an orphan, and is ill-treated as a little girl. She strives for her life, which makes her tough character and strong self-respect.
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