    摘 要具有自主学习能力的学生,能够理解教学目的和教学方法;能够确立自己的学习目标;能够选择合适的学习策略;能够监控自己的学习过程和学习方法;能够评价自己的学习结果。
    Abstract  The students who have the ability of autonomous learning, can understand the teaching purpose and teaching methods, can establish their own learning targets, can choose the suitable learning strategies, can monitor their own learning process and learning methods, and finally can evaluate their learning results.
    This study aims to explore the current situation of English autonomous learning in junior middle school. The study mainly includes the following aspects: 1. the concept and background of autonomous learning; 2. the significance of autonomous learning in junior middle school’s English teaching; 3. the class characteristics of autonomous learning teaching mode; 4. how to cultivate students’ ability of autonomous learning. To cultivate the junior middle school students’ ability of autonomous learning is the important goal of the English curriculum in basic education in our country, the important innovation of the junior middle school’s English teaching, and also the major measure of carrying out the quality education in middle school’s English teaching.
    Key words: junior middle school students; English; autonomous learning
    The Application of Autonomous Learning in Junior Middle School’s English Teaching
    摘 要.....i
    I. Introduction..1
    II. The Characteristics of Autonomous Learning.3
    2.1 The Class Characteristics of Autonomous Learning Teaching Mode....................3
    2.2 The Role of Teachers in Autonomous Learning Teaching Mode...........................4
    III. The Significance of Autonomous Learning in Junior Middle School’s English Teaching..5
    3.1 The Chinese Education Situation at Present ..........6
    3.2 The Significance of Autonomous Learning....6
    IV. How to Cultivate Students’ Ability of Autonomous Learning.7
    4.1 From Teacher’s Aspect ..7
    4.2 From Student’s Aspect9
    V. Conclusion...14
    I. Introduction

      Autonomous learning is also called self-directed learning or learner autonomy, and it refers to that the students acquire knowledge through independent observation and thinking, and can be independent in analyzing and judging the results of the study. Autonomous learning is a modern learning concept based on humanistic psychology and cognitive psychology, and it’s also an important topic in Applied Linguistic Research at present. The concept of “learner autonomy” was first proposed by the French language teaching Professor Henri Holec, who defined the “autonomous learning” as the ability that the learners are responsible for their own learning and can manage their learning (1-3).
      There has been extensive research on autonomous learning at home and abroad, it is proposed aiming at the disadvantages of the teacher-centered classroom teaching mode. Its aim is to change the situation that students rely heavily on teachers in language learning. The significant symbol of a successful teaching mode reform is the formation of students’ inpidualized learning methods and the development of students’ autonomous learning ability. The National English Curriculum Standard (experiment draft) published by the Ministry of Education is definitely put forward in “the development of English autonomous learning ability”. This is because that as a new educational idea and the theoretical framework of the quality education, autonomous learning in English grasps the essence and the core of quality education in a certain sense.
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