
              3.2.3 Business Negotiation.14
              3.2.4 Business Lunches17
              3.2.5 Gift-giving and Seeing off the Guest19
         3.3 The Countermeasures.20 
              3.3.1 Rectifying Cognition and Renewing Notion20
              3.3.2 Observing Much.21
              3.3.3 Strengthening the Communication.21
    A Study of Cultural Conflict in International Business Reception
    1.1 The Background of the Study
         Since joining the WTO, China’s foreign economic exchanges are increasingly     frequent and China’s economy has played an important role on the world stage. Along                    with the rapid development of foreign economic exchanges, foreign-related business activities are becoming more and more popular. For example international business travel, international business visit, international business banquet, international business negotiation, international business conference and international business service especially international business reception. But personal values, ways of thinking, behaviors and psychological characteristics are affected and restrained by the national culture and customs. Different countries and nationalities have their own language and beliefs so when they try to live and work together, cultural conflicts appear naturally. International business reception needs the domestic receptionist to communicate with foreign guests from different cultural backgrounds thus cultural conflicts become very common.
    1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Study
         International business is a kind of cross-cultural activity. According to Edward (1959), culture is communication. To some certain degree, no one has the same communication background thus all communication is cross-cultural from this perspective including international business reception. In order to achieve success in international business reception, learning cultural and business customs of different nations in advance before reception is necessary. This paper takes cultural conflict as research object, focuses on business reception in international business activity and further illustrates the importance of culture in the international business reception through the deep analysis of failure cases in business reception. The whole thesis first figures out what is the relationship between cultural conflict and international business reception then analyses deeply what kinds of cultural conflicts will occur in the international business reception and what is the essential reason of the cultural conflict on the basis of real case studies and comparing Chinese culture with western culture. At last, it tries to find out what kinds of methods or countermeasures can be used to avoid these conflicts for receptionists and corporations.
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