    摘 要《追风筝的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德•胡塞尼的第一部小说。该小说自出版以来,颇受大众的好评,获得了各项新人奖。国内外文学爱好者及评论家从多方面对小说进行了分析。本文将运用米歇尔•福柯的权力话语理论对该小说的三组权力关系进行分析,即普什图族和哈扎拉族、主人和仆人、父亲和儿子,通过他们之间的权力关系、话语、沉默,探讨权力和话语在文学作品中体现的辩证关系,从而进一步反应出阿富汗森严的等级制度和残酷的种族歧视。27930
    The Kite Runner is the first novel of Afghan--born American writer Khaled•Hosseini. It receives a favorable reception since it has been published, and wins many kinds of prizes. Literature lovers and critics analyze it from various points of view. This thesis will analyze three groups of power relations in the novel, that is Pashtun and Hazara, master and servant, father and son, by using Michel Foucault’s theory of Power and Discourse. According to their power relations, discourse and reticence, the dialectical relationship between power and discourse in the literary work will be discussed. Thus the strict social hierarchy and cruel racial discrimination in Afghanistan can be reflected.
    Key words:The kite runner; power; discourse;
      An Analysis of The Kite Runner from the Perspective of Power and Discourse
    摘 要    i
    I.    Introduction    1
    II. Power and Discourse of Pashtun and Hazara    2
    2.1 Power Relations between Pashtun and Hazara    2
    2.2 Discourse of Pashtun and voiceless of Hazara    3
    III. Power and Discourse of Master and Servant    4
    3.1 Power Relations between Master and Servant    4
    3.2 Discourse of Master    5
    3.3 Reticence of Servant    7
    IV. Power and Discourse of Father and Son    8
    4.1 Power and Discourse of Father and Son    8
    4.2 Discourse of Father    9
    4.3 Reticence of Son    9
    V. Conclusion    10
    Bibliography    12
    Acknowledgments    13

    The Kite Runner is the first novel of Afghan-born American writer Khaled Hosseini. It receives a favorable reception since it has been published in 2003. Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul on March 4th, 1965.On account of the domestic riot in Afghan, he fled to American with his father. Hussein’s major in university is medicine, but he is crazy on writing. As is known to all, his experience living in Afghanistan is the source of his writing inspiration. As a result, he has some similar experiences the protagonist –Amir to a certain degree. Both of then grew up in the same place,both of them immigrate to America. What’s more, they are fond of writing. The novel tells a story about an Afghan boy Amir who despicably betrays his half-brother and makes up for the faults he makes in his own way.
    Here I will give you a detail introduction to Michel Foucault’s Power and Discourse theory. Michel Foucault was a French sociologist, philosopher, and historian.He is very interested in philosophy. He was well known for the theory of Power and Discourse. In Foucault’s opinion, power means that everything has an advantage over other things. At the same time, Foucault point out that compared to “formal speech” discourse is a wider-ranging idea. It is a dynamical concept which is based on development of social and economic. Most important of all, the theory of discourse is closely linked to power. Power and discourse interact with each other. Michel Foucault finds that it is via discourse or knowledge that we are created. Like other poststructuralists, “Foucault regards discourse as a central human activity, but not as a universal,general text, a vast sea of signification (Selden 185). In Foucault’s point of view, it is discourse that constitutes all kinds of knowledge.The reason why the Hazara people are born to be servants and enslave by the Pashtuns is that they do not have discourse. Furthermore, the toot causes is the lack of knowledge. As the saying goes that:“ knowledge is power”,which is indeed the case. In a word, only by developing education and getting knowledge acrossed can the Hazara become strong and prosperous.
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