
    Abstract Classical Chinese poetry, with a long history of three thousand years, is the treasure of Chinese culture and civilization. Tang poetry is one part of the classical Chinese poetry, so it is the gem of the treasure, a unity of sense sound and form. Although it is believed that translating classical Chinese poetry is more difficult than translating poetry, Xu Yuanchong proposed Three Beauties Theory including beauty in sense, sound and form through the long-term activities in translating classical Chinese poetry, and this theory becomes the highest realm and principle in poetry translation. Taking three different English  versions of Huang Helou Song Meng Hairan Zhi Guang Ling, this paper aims at showing the advantages of Three Beauties Theory in translating classical Chinese poetry by analyzing and studying the embodiment of three beauties in these versions, so that this paper can make translator translate classical Chinese poetry from a better perspective, and the readers can appreciate the translation in a better way.69693

         The first part is literature review. In this part this thesis firstly introduce the theoretical research on English translation of classical Chinese poetry. Secondly, this paper introduce the English translation of Huang Helou Song Meng Haoran Zhi Guang Ling. The second part is a comparative study of the English translation of Huang Helou Song Meng Haoran Zhi Guang Ling from the perspective of Three Beauties Theory. In this part, this paper chooses three different English versions of Huang Helou Song Meng Haoran Zhi Guang Ling to analyze the embodiment of three beauties specifically. At last, this paper makes some suggestions for translating in aspects of Three Beauties Theory.

    Keywords: classical Chinese poetry; Three Beauties Theory; English translation





    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review2

    2.1 A brief review of the theoretical research on English translation of classical Chinese poetry . ...2

    2.2 A brief review of the English translation of Huang Helou Song Meng Haoran Zhi Guang Ling.......... .5

    3. A Comparative Study of the English Translation of Huang Helou Song Meng Haoran Zhi Guang Ling from the Perspective of Three Beauties Theory..5

    3.1 Beauty in sense...8

    3.2 Beauty in sound..9

    3.3Beauty in form....10

    4 Conclusion.......11

    Works cited....12

    1. Introduction

         It has long been believed that poetry is words in best order, however, classical Chinese poetry is the best words in the best order. Poetry, particularly the classical Chinese poetry, not only has characteristics of art but also qualities of art which combines sound, form and sense wonderfully. Classical Chinese poetry show us a fascinating world of great enchantment, intensive affection and profound meaning. In this world, readers can even smell the fresh fragrance of flowers given out from the lines of the poetry. With a long history of three thousand years, it is the gem of Chinese culture and civilization. Now that wonderful things need wonderful broadcast ways, otherwise they will not be anything, to make classical Chinese poetry go farther and get more welcome around the world demands of good translation of it.

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