
     Culture-loaded words refer to the words that contain special cultural connotation in a certain nation. It is the carrier of special culture information, and it is full of cultural imagery. The Chinese culture-loaded words mark that the specific things in Chinese nation culture, such as words, word groups and idioms. There contains the Chinese cultural imagery. The world regards Chinese culture-loaded words as the important carrier to understand Chinese culture. Therefore, it gradually becomes more and more important in the study of translation. Language is the important part of culture. It is particular to a language community, and it also reflects the mode of the life of the unique culture. It is so deeply ingrained in culture that the meanings of language must be determined by their cultural context. So translation is a bilingual activity. But in essence, it is a bicultural activity.
     This paper also studies the strategy of Chinese culture-loaded words. Free translation, literal translation, substitutions and transliteration are main specific methods of domestication and foreignization respectively, which will be explained one by one. In the end, some problems in the translation are pointed out and some suggestions are given.
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