
    The first part of the paper is introduction, which introduces the problems we are facing in English teaching and the content of the research as well as the significance of it. The second part is literal review, which introduces lexical cohesion theories by some foreign and Chinese specialists and empirical studies on lexical cohesion devices.The third part is research methodology, which describes the methods adopted in the paper and the measurements of the research. The Forth part is results and discussion, which analyzes the results and makes a comparison. The following parts are conclusion, acknowledgments, references as well as appendixes, which make a conclusion and demonstration to this paper. 
  1. 上一篇:戴维•洛奇《小世界》中的名利世界
  2. 下一篇:德语论文德国足球国家队华丽转身的原因
  1. 英语谚语的修辞特点及翻译

  2. 英语习语的隐喻意义及翻译方法

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  10. 德语论文德语汽车技术词汇中的名词特点

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