
    Business English originate from ordinary English and it is the combination of ordinary English and professional knowledge in the field of business activities. England business English expert Nick Briger has put forward the idea of “the field of business English” which includes language knowledge, communicative skill, professional knowledge, managerial skill and cultural consciousness.(li 313) Thus, business English has its own special characters in addition to the linguistic features which the ordinary English has. In the actual application, business English has large amount of terms which the ordinary English do not has. In most cases, business English words mean more professional and formal than the ordinary English. Let’s take look at the following simple example, “This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor.(该汇票应先承兑,然后由承兑方进行支付。)”. We are familiar to all the words in the sentence. Generally speaking, the word “honor” is a noun, but it serves as a verb here. “Accept” usually means “adopt”, while in financial context, it refers to“承兑”。This kind of words or expressions can be seen everywhere.

    II. A Historical Retrospection of Business English

    2.1 The Origin of Business English
    As introduced in part one, business English originates from ordinary English and it is the combination of ordinary English and professional knowledge in the field of business activities. To give it a more detailed definition, business English is defined as specialized English used in purchase agreement, sales confirmation, letter of credit, bill of lading and insurance policy in international trade, business correspondence and activities, which includes Ordinary Business English and Specialized Business English. The former covers various English books, magazines, newspapers and so on. Specialized Business English only includes documents, laws, regulations, letters, specialized theories and practice in business activities. England business English expert Nick Briger has put forward the idea of “the field of business English” which includes language knowledge, communicative skill, professional knowledge, managerial skill and cultural consciousness. (Lin 4) That is to say, business English not only shares the common features with English language, but also has the “business” features. It is based on the ordinary English grammar and vocabulary, but it has some particular characteristics in the aspects of vocabulary, syntax and context for its designated business environment.
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  2. 下一篇:日语论文从日本料理来看的日本文化
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