
    Abstract  In order to promote economic entity business between China and other countries to exchange and guarantee personal legal authority and interests in legal form, we will make a further study about English translation language features of business contract. Business contract has become an effective tool that can monitor economic entities to fulfill their obligations and protect their rights and interests. However, many people don’t deeply understand the English contract. There are a lot of writing and understanding problems of the commercial contract. In this paper, the research starts by launching around the language translation features of English business contract and it is based on the translation theory of English. It studies the language features of English business contracts from three aspects of vocabulary, phrase and sentence. It applies the theories of foreign vocabulary, old English, modal verb, polysemy, merge principle, choice of words in law and contracts terms. It introduces these with a view to promote the Chinese business with other countries. It aims at reaching a proper economic goal among commercial person and making the rights and obligations clear and definite between each other to advance the commercial exchange between China and other countries.59070

    Keywords: Business English Contract; Language Features; Translation



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1Previous Studies on the Contract Translation 2

    2.2 The Characteristic of Business English Contracts 2

    3. Principles of English Business Contract Translation 5

    3.1 Faithfulness 5

    3.2 Exactness 5

    3.3 Accuracy 6

    3.4 Elegance 7

    4.The Language Translation Features of English Business Contract 8

    4.1Lexical Features in English Business Contracts Translation 8

    4.2Sentence Features in English Business Contracts Translation 11

    5. Conclusion 14

    Works Cited 16

    1. Introduction 

          Since China took part in the World Trade Organization, the relationship between China and other countries is becoming more and more harmonious. Therefore, Chinese business people have more chance to get in touch with English business contracts. In the process of our business, by owing a profound understanding and a good command for language translation features on business contracts, it is easy to promote the business communication of the economic entities between China and other countries. 

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