
          In this passage, the language translation features of English business contracts from three aspects of vocabulary, phrase and sentence will be involved. Besides, some proper examples will be put into comparison. Learning the language translation features of English business contracts contributes to our communication and effective foreign trade activities. 

          English Business contract, as a legitimate file and a treaty enforced by law, will work extremely in the actions of international business activities. It must be admitted that a relationship in contract is made between two or more parties who have possibly disadvantageous interests and, the contract clauses are usually replenished and limited by laws at the aim of guarding the interests of the parties related and defining given relationships between them in the event that clauses are indefinite, equivocal, or even lost. As time goes on, more and more performers are starting to be conscious of the significance of getting some knowledge about English business contracts. When doing business with inpiduals or other organizations from English speaking countries or non-English speaking countries, all parties referred to the international trade usually mark a written business contract in order to guarantee the performance of obligations and the feast of rights which are formulated in the contract. No one can repudiate the fact that English business contract has become an obbligato section of today’s business process. Therefore, in this thesis, a profound understanding about the translation features of English business contract will be displayed. It is about the definition of English business contract, lexical features of contract and features of English business contract translation. 

    2. Literature Review

    2.1Previous Studies on the Contract Translation

          To better understand the characters of the translation features of English business contract. Martin Joos (1961) illustrates the fact that translation of English business contract is intrinsically a frozen style which is one of English five variants. People generally think that English business contract belongs to frozen style, the five kinds of variants in the highest degree of formal English. English business contract is grave formal professional terminology and vocabulary characteristics embodied in the use of loanwords ancient American cooking. Jones, L (1994) examines that the business English contract is different from the general practical writing, it is a special practical writing. English Business contract is a legal instrument to sustain the law stability. He says that the World International Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade establishing appropriate agreements for cooperation between them, agree as follows: the word wish or want is more formal than desire. What’s more, in order to, with a view to ……is a kind of official language. Chen Chunxiao(2000 ) shows how each economic contract involving foreign interest is made use of in an international  business contract so as to achieve business vision. Yang Fang (2004) expound that the translation of English business contract is based on the notion that the English contract sentence must be accurate, rigorous, explicit, and manageable. Xu Lihong (2009) states briefly, under the theory of English business contract translation that translators can correctly deal with different circumstances in international trade. By means of the development of the profession, decision sharing, and the promotion of self-value, they can co-create an environment where respect, acceptance, goodness, support for growing and learning are appreciated. Huang Jida (1999) analyzes the stylistic of features of language used in English contract from lexical level and syntactic level. The lexical features of contract English are frequent use of archaic words, choosing the technical terms, using ‘shall’ so as to enhance the tone and so on. In syntactic level, there are so many features. For example, long complex sentence, condition clauses and statement-type sentences. He think it is beneficial to draft English contract, translate Chinese contract into English contract, read and understand English contract with the analyzing the preceding stylistic features of contract English. 

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