
          In recent ten years, many scholars have studied the lexical characteristics, syntax features and translating theories of international sales contracts for business English. From their researches, it is seen the status and significance of business contract, but simultaneously, their studies are not comprehensive enough. Therefore, this essay will add more linguistic features of international sales contract on the basis of previous studies and go on further studies of its translation. In this way, it aids readers to have a better understanding of international sales contract and also is liable to promote the business activities all over the world. For international sales contract, knowing these features is very significant to establish business relations with foreign businessmen. This essay will synthesize these former studied characteristics and theories and then delves further into the lexical and syntactic characteristics and translating skills to understand the features of international sales contracts better, then motivating the communication and collaboration of our international trade.源[自*751^`论\文'网·www.751com.cn/

    2.2 The Characteristic of Business English Contracts

          As is known to all, a contract is a legally binding bilateral or multilateral agreement, the contract specifies the corresponding all the rights and obligations of the parties, and shall compensate for the injured party, the other party fails to perform his obligations. Obviously, if the contract binding the parties involved in a particular transaction, then the contract will be legal basis and legal protection to the contracting parties. So, international business contracts, inevitably, is playing a more and more important role in international affairs.  Contracts referred to agreements between equal natural persons, legal persons and other organizations for the purpose of establishing, altering and terminating mutual civil rights and obligations. It’s necessary for us to get the idea of the main features of international business contracts. The first characteristic is one or more contracting parties do not belong to Chinese nationality; The second is the contract object shall be in the Chinese border; The third are some legal facts occur within the territory of China, such as contract with the Chinese enterprise's signature and signature in foreign companies. Each contract is a complete and strict system and cannot be arranged in a random order. An international English business contract is generally composed of three parts: preamble (head), body and final clauses (tail) and must be set in such an order. 

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