    摘 要众所周知,语言教学应该给学习者一种用这种工具来完成流畅交流的能力。伴随着中国社会和经济活动的日益全球化,英语口语教学在中学生英语课程学习中显得更为重要,提高中学生的口语水平就成了刻不容缓的事!但就中国中学教学的现状来看,交际教学法还没全面的贯彻实施。通过对中学生的问卷调查和数据分析,发现了交际教学法实施的困难,由此提出一系列相应措施以便更好地运用交际法来提高学生的交际能力,从而使交际教学法的特征和策略有力地指导了教师来培养学生的口语交际能力!不少研究者探索新教学方法致力于解决上述问题,其中以交际教学法最为影响,即以语言功能项目为纲,着重培养学生的听说,读写的语言知识和语言技能以达到提高学生交际能力。解决教育中存在着问题,适应基础教育英语课程改革的要求,最后实现国家选拔人才的需要.32139
    Abstract As is known to all, language teaching should give learners the ability to use this tool to complete a efficient communication. With the increasing globalization of China’s social and economic activities, spoken English teaching in middle school English courses in the more important to improve the level of spoken high school students became an urgent matter! But on the status of secondary school teaching in China, the Communicative Language Teaching has not fully implemented. Through Middle School English teacher questionnaires and data analysis, it found difficulties in the implementation of the communicative approach of teachers, thus proposed a series of measures in order to make better use of the communicative approach to improve the communication skills of students, so that the Communicative Approach characteristics and strategies effectively guide teachers to develop students’ oral communication ability!It requires us that it should put the application of language in the first place in the teaching,highlighting the the proportion of the speaking and listening. Solve problems in education, to meet the requirements of basic education English curriculum reform and finally realize the needs of the national talents.
    Key words: Communicative Language Teaching; oral English; middle students
    The Analysis on the Application of Communicative Language Teaching to Middle-School Speaking Teaching
    摘 要.i
    I. Introduction1
    II.The Communicative Language Teaching 2
    2.1The Definition of Communicative Language Teaching2
    2.2The Principles of Communicative Language Teaching3
    2.3The Forms of Communicative Language Teaching in Our Class4
       2.3.1Group work.4
     2.3.2Role-play 4
    III.The Current Situation of Middle School English Oral Teaching in China5
    3.1Chines Teaching Method5
    3.2Lack of Special Oral English Teaching6
    3.3Lack of Confidence in Speaking English6
    3.4Lack of Natural Language Environment.7
     IV. Some Suggestions for Applying the Communicative Language Teaching8
    4.1Developing Students’ Critical Thinking.8
    4.2 Reforming the Class Teaching Mode8
    4.3Setting up a Pleasant or Harmonious Atmosphere in Classroom.9
    4.4 Making a Appropriate Communicative Test10
     V. Conclusion11
    VI. Bibliography12
    I. Introduction   
        Communicative Language Teaching is also called the Communicative Approach, which is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study.Since the introduction of our new foreign language teaching and the new textbooks, the aims that improve the use of a foreign language for communication capability has become increasingly clear. On the other hand, the school policy, guiding ideology, personnel training mode, knowledge and skill requirements of education have changed a lot, the fundamental way is to turn knowledge into skills. In this environment it is imperative to improve teaching method. It requires us that we should put the application of language in the first place in the teaching,highlighting the proportion of the speaking and listening. So that students have a quite competence in English communication! The English teachers also should grasp the key direction of training students’ communicative competence, combining the learning of English form with language ability and communicative competence together. So the current teaching method is not enough to achieve it. As a result , many researchers explore new teaching methods to solve the above problems,of which communicative language teaching having great influence(Peng 9).
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