    摘 要在新课程改革环境下,游戏在小学英语教学中的应用是课堂教学改革的一项重要环节。通过调查问卷、课堂观察和采访等研究方法,本文调查分析了游戏目前在小学英语教学中的应用的情况。并且发现游戏教学法在小学英语教学中起着积极作用;游戏在英语辅导学校的应用效果比在公立学校的应用效果好;但是游戏在小学英语教学的应用也存在一些不足。本文为游戏在小学英语教学中的应用提供了一些建议和经验,进一步丰富了国内游戏教学法的实证研究。33610
    毕业论文关键词:游戏 ;游戏教学法;小学英语教学
     Abstract  Under the New Curriculum Standard, the application of game in English teaching in primary schools is a significant factor in the reform of classroom English teaching. By research methodology, such as questionnaire, classroom observation and interview, the paper investigates and analyzes the current situation of the application of game in English teaching in primary schools. And major findings are game teaching plays an active role in English learning; Game has been used more effectively in English tutorial schools than the public schools’; but the application of game in English teaching in primary schools also exists some deficiencies. Not only does the paper provide some suggestions and experience to popularize the application of game in English teaching in primary schools, but also it further enriches the empirical study at home.
    Key words: game; game teaching; primary school English teaching
    Study on the Application of Game in English Teaching in Primary Schools—In the Case of Zhoukou Little Star English School
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. Theoretical Framework    2
     2.1 Definition of Game Teaching    2
     2.2 The Research of Game Teaching Abroad    2
     2.3 The Research of Game Teaching in China    3
     2.4 The Characteristics of Pupils    4
    Ⅲ. Research Design    5
     3.1 Research Questions    5
     3.2 Subjects    6
     3.3 The Methodology of the Study    6
    Ⅳ.Results and Analysis    6
     4.1 Results and Analysis of the Questionnaire    6
     4.2 Analysis of the Classroom Observation    9
     4.3 Results and Analysis of the Interview    10
    Ⅴ.Conclusion    10
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgments    14
     AppendixⅠ    15
     AppendixⅡ    16
    Ⅰ. Introduction
    English Curriculum Standards pointed out that English teaching should concern students’ affection and psychological characteristics. Through English teaching, the pupils’ language application ability is cultivated. According to the pupils’ playful, restless, curiosity characteristics, the application of game in English teaching in primary schools can stimulate students’ interest in learning, improve their English communication ability and build high quality of classroom English teaching in primary schools.
    The research situation of game teaching in China is still in the initial stage and lack of empirical research. English game teaching has been adopted in today’s primary schools. But many deficiencies still exist in the process of English game teaching. The game teaching cannot be effectively applied to English class of the primary schools. Therefore, it is necessary to study on application of game in English teaching in primary schools. The paper aims to provide some suggestions for the future English game teaching in the primary schools and enrich the empirical research in China.
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