    摘 要英语是各门课程中的重点,自主学习又是学习英语的重要方法。中学生处于掌握英语基础知识以及提高自主学习能力的关键时期。本次实验中,作者采用了调查问卷和访谈的方法,并以学习动机,学习意志,学习策略等因素作为研究对象。通过本次研究,作者得出结论:当代中学生英语自主学习能力良好,但仍然有许多困难需要克服。作者希望本次研究能够帮助中学生提高其英语自主学习能力,以便其牢固的掌握英语基础知识和在英语学习中取得更大的成就。36523
     Abstract English plays a major role in all the subjects, so is the autonomous learning in the English learning. Middle school period is the key time for the students to grasp the basic English knowledge and cultivate their autonomous learning ability. In this paper, the author resorts to the methods of questionnaires and interview. In addition, this paper takes the factors, such as motivation, willing and strategies as the research contents. In this paper, the author comes to the conclusion that students have relatively good ability of English autonomous learning, but there are many difficulties to confront with. The author hopes that this paper will help students cultivate their English autonomous learning ability so that they can grasp the basic English knowledge well and make more accomplishment in their English learning.
    Key words: English autonomous learning ability; Learning strategy; Learning method
    An Analysis on Middle School Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability in English Study
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Background and Significance of the Research    1
    II. The Definition and Patterns of Autonomous Learning Ability and the Influencing Factors     3
    2.1 Definition of Autonomous Learning Ability    3
    2.2The Patterns of Autonomous Learning………………………………… ……… ….3
    2.3 Factors in Influencing English Autonomous Learning Ability    4
    III. Research Design    5
    3.1 Research Subjects    5
    3.2 Characters of the Research Subjects    6
    3.3 Research Contents    6
    3.4 Research Methods    6
    3.5The Procure of the Research    7
    IV The Analysis of the Results     8
    4.1The Analysis of the Questionnaire Results      8
    4.2The Analysis of the Interview Results    11
    V. Conclusion and Suggestions    11
    5.1Conclusion    11
    5.2Suggestions    12
    5.3Limitations of the Research    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgments    15
    I.    Background and Significance of the Research
    With the development of the technology and the advancement of the civilization as well as the enhancement of the quality of the Chinese people, it is more and more essential to learn English well and grasp a good to improve the learning efficiency. The new English curriculum standards for the junior high school have clearly advocated that the primary goal of English teaching is to cultivate students’ learning strategies(Li 99). There are many learning strategies put forward by famous scholars. Autonomous learning is an important one of them.
    In the past several years, in a large quantity of the English classrooms, there still existed the traditional way of teaching, which was characterized by the absolute authority of teachers. And the students were just supposed to listen, to take notes, and to complete timely all the assignments given by the teacher(Mao 122).A good student in the eyes of the teachers was that who did the things as the teacher said and did not have the different opinions against the teachers’ will.
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