摘 要 习语是语言的重要部分之一。作为语言的核心,习语具有许多国家的特点,这些特点是与生俱来,从来不会改变的。英语习语作为习语的一个分支,它受英国文化背景,历史发展和习俗的影响。本文采用了对比分析的研究方法,探讨了不同的翻译技巧。通过大量实践证明:选择合适的翻译技巧对解决英语习语误译的问题有很大帮助。作者列举出一些实例去分析影响英语习语翻译的几种因素(文化因素,历史因素,地理环境因素,宗教信仰因素和习俗因素)。针对这些因素,作者在翻译方面给出了一些建议。因此,要更好的翻译英语习语不仅要了解翻译技巧还要考虑到多种因素。希望本文可以帮助读者在翻译英语习语时可以避免一些错误。36524
Abstract The idiom was one of the most important parts of language. As the center of the language, idiom has many nations’ characteristics, which was born with and never changed. English idiom as one part of idioms, it is influenced by British cultural background, historical development and customs. This paper takes contrast analysis methods to discuss some different translation skills. By a large number of practice show that choose appropriate translation skills is helpful to solve the problems of mistranslation of English idioms. The author gives some concrete examples to analyze several factors (culture, history notes, geography environment, religious belief and customs) which affect the translation of English idioms. According to these factors, the author gives some suggestions on translating. Accordingly, to translate English idioms better not only learn the translation skills, but also consider some factors. Hopefully this paper can help readers avoid some mistakes during translating English idioms.
Key words: English idiom; mistranslation; culture
An Analysis of Mistranslation of English Idioms
摘 要 ⅰ
Abstract ⅱ
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
Ⅱ. The Factors Lead to Mistranslation of English Idioms 2
2.1 Culture 2
2.2 History Notes 2
2.3 Geography Environment 3
2.4 Religious Belief 3
2.5 Customs 4
Ⅲ. The Strategies of English Idiom Translation 4
3.1 Literal Translation 4
3.2 Free Translation 5
3.3 The Corresponding Translation 6
Ⅳ. Some Suggestions for Translating English Idioms 8
4.1 The Quality of a Translator 8
4.2 To Identify the English Idioms from the Context 9
4.3 Combining with the Context to Translate 10
4.4 Keeping the Original Flavor 11
Ⅴ. Conclusion 12
Ⅰ. Introduction
According to Oxford Advantaged Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, an idiom is “a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its inpidual words, which must be learned as a whole unit” (248). In the broad sense, idioms may include set phrases, proverbs, sayings, epigrams, slang expressions, colloquialisms, quotations, and two-part allegorical sayings, of which the first part, always stated, is descriptive. While the second part, sometimes unstated, carries the message. And The Britain linguist, Jennifer Seidl, had said in the preface of his books “English Idioms and How to Use the English Idioms (1978)”, that “Idioms are not a separate part of the language which one can choose to either to use or to omit…”(Jennifer 185). As we all know, an English idiom is a specialized language, which is different from the free phrases. Idioms have the characteristics of conciseness, popularity and explosive vitality. They are deeply influenced and limited by culture. They can also best express the historical development, cultural background and customs of the people. So when we translate English idioms, we must consider its cultural background, historical development, custom and so on. For instance, the English idiom “I am all ears”. Some people may translate this sentence as“我全身都是耳朵”, but the meaning of this sentence is“我洗耳恭听”. In order to avoid mistakes, we can’t translate English idioms word by word, we should learn the different culture, customs, history, and master some methods of the translation flexibly, then we can translate English idioms correctly.
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