摘 要随着英语高考的改革,英语教育该如何适应时代的发展,是每一个英语教育工作者所面临的现实问题。目前农村中学英语教育存在的问题,引发了国内外专家的关注。本文首先简单对比周口市农村与城市的中学英语教育现状,其次深入分析周口市农村中学英语教育中存在的问题,最后提出改善农村英语教育的对策,以使周口市农村中学英语教学质量得到改善和提高。36678
Abstract With the reform of the National Entrance Examination, every English teacher is facing practical problems that how the English education should adapt to the development of society There’re many problems in the present English education of the rural middle schools Domestic and foreign experts pay more attention to this topic Firstly, I simply compare city English education with rural English education in middle schools of Zhoukou city in this paper Secondly, I further analyze the problems of English teaching in rural middle schools of Zhoukou city Finally, some countermeasures will be put forward so as to achieve some improvements and enhancements of the teaching quality in the rural middle schools of Zhoukou city
Key words: rural middle school; English education; analysis of the present situation; strategies and suggestion
An Analysis of the Present Situation and Some Countermeasures of English Education in Rural Middle Schools of Zhoukou City
摘 要i
I Introduction1
II A Comparison of English Teaching Between Rural and Urban Areas2
III The Present Situation of English Education in the Rural Middle Schools
of Zhoukou City3
31 Negative Influence of the College Entrance Examination3
32 Incorrect Social Attitude Towards English Teaching3
33 Backward Teaching Resources4
34 Negative Influence of Parents on Students’ English Learning7
35 Loss of Students’ Interest and Motivation in Learning English8
IV Countermeasures for Rural English Education9
41 Eliminating Old Traditional Ideas of English Learning9
42 Making a Scientific Plan for English Teaching9
43 Stabilizing the Teaching Body and Improving Teachers’ Quality10
44 Optimizing the Classroom Teaching10
45 Conducting Effective Communication Between Teachers and Parents11
46 Cultivating Students’ Learning Interest and Confidence in English12
47 Helping the Left-behind Students12
V Conclusion13
I Introduction
Promoting educational quality is the fundamental task of the reform and development of basic education It is critical to promote fundamental quality education in the process of basic education curriculum reform With the introduction of the new curriculum standards in 2001, a new round of high-profile wave of English teaching reform has been set off The new basic education curriculum reform has injected vigor and vitality Since 2008, in Henan Province, provincial and municipal education departments should vigorously promote the new curriculum reform, and good results have been achieved in some regions and sectors However, economy and culture of the province is relatively backward because of the historical and practical factors There is a big difference in the quality of teaching in English between the majority of the population in rural and urban areas Middle school English teaching is still facing a lot of difficulties There’re main problems such as the poor teaching conditions, harsh environment of the rural middle school, the shortage of the students’ knowledge, ageing teachers and rigid teaching methods, so the efficiency of the English teaching can’t be improved, the students gradually lose interest in English and become very passive Moreover, the parents in rural areas are lake of knowledge For this reason, they can’t understand the reform of the National Entrance correctly so that they misguide their children The children think that they won’t have English test in college entrance examination What’s worse, the students think that it’s useless to learn English Thus, they don’t attach much importance to English The new English curriculum standards for rural school English teaching will face unprecedented challenges I will further analyze and put forward some suggestions and countermeasures of the English teaching in rural middle school of Zhoukou city
- 上一篇:提高英语阅读速度的主要障碍分析
- 下一篇:自然拼音教学法在小学英语教学中的应用