
    33 Backward Teaching Resources
    With the development of information technology, for example, there are computer technology, network technology and multimedia technology, and its application in classroom and teaching is a consequent trend in the education development of the information age in the new century.At the same time, by reforming education technology, multimedia teaching resources have been increasingly applied to the classroom teaching.However,how to realize the effective application of multimedia teaching resources is an important subject to be faced with in English teaching Teaching resources and faculties in rural areas are far behind the cities.Try to change the backwardness of the rural education and promote the reform of rural basic education courses The rural teachers should support the multimedia in Zhoukou countryside.It is necessary to promote the teachers’ effective application of multimedia education resource in rural primary and secondary schools.The teachers are the important part of the multimedia teaching and their preference use of multimedia teaching resource enormously influences teachers’ use of resources and using effect Chinese education is the priorities and difficulties in rural areas It promotes the development of multimedia educational resources sharing of high-quality education resources in urban and rural areas, improves the quality and efficiency of rural education, and provides a good opportunity in promoting the balanced development of urban and rural education and basic education modernization
  1. 上一篇:提高英语阅读速度的主要障碍分析
  2. 下一篇:自然拼音教学法在小学英语教学中的应用
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