

    毕业论文关键词  幼儿园英语教育  现状  实践探索

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  An Analysis of English Education Conditions in Kindergartens and the Practical Research


    Through the objective description of the current condition of Early Childhood English Education (ECEE) in Nanjing, this research analyzes the target of early childhood English education and enforcement approaches and content, and also analyzes the language environment and the faculty situation. It points out existed issues and the factors based on the understanding of current situation of ECEE, and it also offers some suggestions for providing the theories foundation for the ECEE in the future. 

    Keywords   English Education in Kindergartens   Conditions  Practical Research


    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction ...3

      1.1 Research background ............3

      1.2 Purpose of the study...3

    2 Literature review............................................................................................................4

      2.1 Previous Research on Early Childhood English Education......4

      2.2 Value Orientation of English Education..6

    3 Research Design......8

      3.1 Research questions....8

      3.2 Study object8

      3.3 Research procedures...9

      3.4 Data collection.11

      3.5 Data analysis...12

    4 Results and Discussion.....13

    5 Different family review........16

    Conclusion ...17



    1. Introduction

    1.1 Research background

    In contemporary society, the globalization of world economy makes English become the most significant language tool in international communication. The increasing demand of kids start learning English in kindergartens, which makes it become a hot issue. And English as the second language in China has been learned and taught in kindergarten and primary school for many years. But learning and teaching English in China's kindergarten and primary school should be seriously taken into consideration. The kindergarten English teaching mainly refers: Establishes some simulations in certain English environment, organizes the special English teaching, the development of different categories of English games, add daily life activities partial links, train the baby by this to participate in English activity the interest, enhances English exchange ability and the language sensitivity, the respect understands the multicultural, will build the good foundation for the next regular English study. Through the observation and experiment, this research tries to understood and investigate the kindergartens English teaching in real conditions and to probe the problems of early childhood English education.论文网

    1.2 Purpose of the study

    This thesis focuses on the effect of the kindergarten total immersion English teaching and attempt to provide empirical evidence to suggest kindergarten total immersion English teaching is more feasible and beneficial to children than bilingual teaching method. Hopefully, this study can be helpful in the following ways: From the perspective of practice, kindergarten total immersion English teaching is still in the stage of practice and exploration in China. Bilingual teachers are faced with lots of puzzlements and problems in practice; there is not only an urgent need of mature theories to guide bilingual teaching but also a lot of practice to learn. So this thesis may be a reference to those bilingual or foreign language teaching.

  1. 上一篇:《别对我说谎》英文电影字幕翻译及其制约因素
  2. 下一篇:从翻译适应选择论看游戏汉化中译者的主体性
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  6. 初中生英语交际能力培养的研究

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  10. Floyd佛洛依德算法详细解释

  11. 应用于ITSOFCs的浸渍电极制备与性能研究

  12. 三氯乙酸对棉铃对位叶光...

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  16. 地方政府职能的合理定位

  17. 德语论文德语汽车技术词汇中的名词特点




