    Abstract Advertisement translation is not only the language translation, but also consider the cultural differences in various countries. In terms of language, the advertisement translators are required to grasp the features of the advertisement language itself; in terms of culture, the advertisement translators are required to consider the cultural differences in different countries; in terms of translation, the advertisement translators not only need to learn the necessary language knowledge, but also need to understand the culture of different countries. This paper adopts the method of cases comparison, analyzes the cultural differences between Chinese and Western , and emphasizes how these cultural differences affect the translation of advertisement language. We hope through this study can make the Chinese advertisement properly translate into English, and the Western advertisement can be accepted and loved by China consumers.
    Key words: advertisement translation; cultural differences; translation influence
    The Influence of Chinese and Western Cultural Differences on Advertisement Translation
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    1.1 Definition of Language    1
    1.2 Definition of Culture    1
    1.3 Definition of Translation    2
    1.4 The Relationships of Language, Culture and Translation    2
    II. The Introduction of Advertisement Translation    3
    2.1 Definition of Advertisement Translation    3
    2.2 Characteristics of Advertisement Translation    4
    III. The Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western    .5
    3.1 Different Social Customs    5
    3.2 Different Aesthetic Concepts    6
    3.3 Different Consumer Psychology    7
    3.4 Different Values    8
    3.5 Different Regional Environment    8
    IV. The Influence of Language on Advertisement Translation    9
    4.1 The Meaning of Language    9
    4.2 Rhetorical Devices    10
    4.3 Sentence Pattern    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    I. Introduction

    1.1 Definition of Language
    A common argument in Chinese textbook is that Language is a kind of special social phenomenon, the communicative means and the symbol system combined phonetics and semantics.(汪大昌3). Fromkin et al say In their Introduction to Language, “If we view language as a communicative system, then language is the distinctive one, though human’s language has some characteristics that other animals don’t have, the basic characteristic of human language is its creativity: speakers can compose some basic language units to infinite sentences with good organization and grammar, most of which are novel and haven’t been heard or spoken before.”(23). In summary, the language is the way of understanding and communicating. Although you can transfer people’s thoughts through words, pictures, actions, emotion, etc, the language is the significant and convenient modes in people’s life. Language is directly linked with the people’s thoughts , people using formal language words and phrases to express their thoughts freely. Each language belongs to a nation, that is to say , the language can not exist without the culture and human life, and the language shows a nation’s connotation, which embodies the national view of life, lifestyle and way of thinking.
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