II. The Introduction of Advertisement Translation
2.1 Definition of Advertisement Translation
Translation expert Eugene A.Nida points out: “for truly successful translating, familiar with two cultures is even more important than to master two languages.” This conclusion is also applicable to the translation of advertisement language. Advertisement is an art, and advertisement translation is a science. Advertisement translation is a complex activity that demands a translator to learn related knowledge, different values, and the key of advertisement translation is to find the cultural differences. It is not a process of mechanically convert one language into another language . The fact tell us that a good advertisement translation can build a attractive image in public and that improper translation will not only give a company or country bring heavy economic loss, will also directly affect the company and the country’s image. The purpose of advertisement translation is to sell a country’s products to consumers who are grow in another culture, so that achieve the business goal. So, the standard of advertisement translation not only lies in whether to keep the original “faithfulness”, express the meaning of the text, but also lies in whether the translation of the target language in language environment and social cultural environment reached the expected propaganda function. Due to the unique characteristic of advertisement language and cultural differences between countries, accordingly, advertisement translation emphasized that the translation effects, can not only rely on providing the information, but also has the function of activating the consumer’s desire who are in different culture.
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