
    Professor Deng, a Chinese scholar, conducts a comparative analysis of Chinese and English culture reflected by animal idioms, which lays a foundation for the following research on animal idioms. In China, for the study on animal idioms, scholars started from the associative meaning of animals. For the classification of animal idioms, Luo Shiping groups them into four types, which are land animal idioms, bird idioms, aquatic animal idioms and insect idioms.
    Researching the differences between the English idioms and Chinese idioms in the way of comparison contributes to people’s understanding of different cultures. This paper includes five parts. The first part mainly introduces the research status and the relation between the culture and the animal idioms. The second part summarizes the general situation of the animal idioms, including the origin of idioms, the definition of animal idioms and the features of the animal idioms. In the third part, the cultural differences between the English idioms and Chinese idioms are discussed from four different aspects with various examples so that the relation between the culture and animal idioms can be shown. In the fourth part, the reasons that caused the differences between the English animal idioms and Chinese animal idioms are listed from four perspectives of historical culture, geographical environment, customs and religious beliefs. Moreover, the last part serves as the conclusion of this paper.
  1. 上一篇:英语矛盾修辞法探析
  2. 下一篇:日语论文从饮食生活习惯看日本人长寿的原因
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