
    Under this condition, true love was forced to surrender to the reality. The marital views of women have become more utilitarian. They care more about the material conditions their counterpart process, such as the economic capacity, family background and the social status. This is a way for women to protect themselves in marriage for that they usually in an inferior status.
    Women’s high requirements for their partner also are the result of the absence of true love. Life is hard; we need a companion to support ourselves. Unfortunately, not everyone will be lucky enough to find the one. With a purpose of not being alone, women have to choose a partner who can at least provide them with an easier life.

    1.2 Current Chinese marital circumstances
    The Annual Chinese Marriage Status Report, published jointly by China Foundation of Social Work Dating Industry Committee, China Population Welfare Foundation and Baihe.com every year, was aiming to show the marital views of modern Chinese which were influenced by the multinational cultures. It also focuses on the underlying cause of the phenomenon of marriage in order to better solve the marriage confusions for single men and women. This report helps us to see and evaluate the changes of Chinese’s marital views.
    By looking at this report from 2007 to 2014, we can easily found that women pay more and more attention to the financial capabilities of their counterparts. In 2007, 77 percent of women took personality and character as the most important criteria for mate choosing, and as time goes by, financial capabilities have replaced it. However, men with stable income always are the preference of women. As for the level of income, more than 80 percent of women think it is unwise for men who have income lower than 4000 Yuan to begin a relationship.
    For women, the most preferable job of their partners is civil servant. As for the mate-choosing requirements mentally, the fit of personality and character become more and more important. About 30 percent of women do not accept prenuptial agreement. However, if the agreement takes the interests of women into consideration, 22.6% of women will accept it.
    With the development of society and increased economic power of women, the percentage of women’s willingness to marry a man without a house increased. They are willing to marry a man with potential, of course with a house will be better. That means women’s marital view become more rational. The desire for women’s willingness to control their partners’ salary decreased. Besides, the opinions of their families are very important for women to choose a lifelong companion. The couples of similar social status can have their families support easily.
        To sum up, current Chinese marital views tend to be realistic and utilitarian. Women focus more on the financial conditions of their counterparts and neglect the emotional bonds of each other. The incorrect marital views contribute to the instability of society and trigger a lot of matrimonial problems.

    2. Marital views in Pride and Prejudice
    2.1Basic Introduction
    Jane Austen, a famous English novelist in 19th century, was one of the most influential female writers in the world literature history. She devoted herself in literature writing and remains single until her early death. Jane Austen was the first novelist who realistically depicting ordinary people in daily ordinary life. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary enable her to be the most important female writer in Britain.
    Pride and Prejudice, one of the classic works of Jane Austen, was first published in 1813. The story follows the leading character Elizabeth Bennet as she faces and solves the issues of family, marriage and socializing in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Being the second of five daughters of a county gentleman, Elizabeth and her family live near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London.
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