
    Mr. Bingly is a young handsome gentleman with a pleasant countenance and easy, unaffected manners. His considerable wealth made him the target of many young ladies before his arrival. He falls in love with Jane at the first sight, but the misleading words said by Mr. Darcy and his sisters frustrated him. Out of the trust of them, Mr. Bingley moves to London with a broken heart. After several months, under the encouragement from Mr. Darcy, Mr.Bingley eventually expressed his feelings to Jane. They became the most admired and envied in Hertfordshire.
    3. Marital views in The Golden Cangue
    3.1 Basic Introduction
    Eileen Chang or Zhang Ailing, was one of the most influential modern Chinese writers. Her most famous works include Lust, Caution, the Golden Cangue and Love in a Fallen City. Being raised in a well-respected family, she is regarded as a genius when she was in school. Eileen Chang was a productive writer. During her life, she wrote novels, essays, photoplay as well as translating foreign literatures. Her works focus on the normal people and their daily life which reflected real situation in 1940s Shanghai and Japanese-occupied Hong Kong from the side. Her productions are highly recommended by many big figures in Chinese Literature as well as western. The poet and professor of University of Southern California Dominic Cheung commented "had it not been for the political division between the Nationalist and Communist Chinese, she would have almost certainly won a Nobel Prize".
    The Golden Cangue (or Jin suo ji), created in 1943, describes a story of Cao Qiqiao who like a madman was tortured for 30 years. Under the oppression of her desires, she formed a morbid character and put an end to the well-being of her children. The story vividly shows the marriage status at that time. The Golden Cangue is highly recommended by Fu Lei, a Chinese well-known translator. Fu appreciated it as “one of the most beautiful harvest in our literary world”. (Fu Lei, 1944) Xia Zhiqing, a famous Chinese literary critic who lives in America, comments it as” the greatest medium-length novel in the history of China”. (Xia Zhiqing, 1961)
    3.2Reflected Marital Views
    The novel is based on the tragedy of Cao Qiqiao who marrying a man with osteomalacia in a downfallen bureaucratic family. The marital views of author can be reflected in Cao’s suffering and miserable marriage as well as the marriages of her children. Ironically, the hero of the novel is called Qiqiao, the same as the Chinese Valentine's Day-Qiqiao Festival. The author tries to indicate that Cao will never ever experience true love in her life. Money is the cangue carried out by Cao and also the incubus of her miserable life. The marital views reflected could be divided into two stages:
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