    Status Quo and Strategies of English Translation of Public Signs in Guangzhou 摘  要公示语作为一种特殊的文体,广泛应用于各种场所。在中国与世界接轨的今天,公示语是城市的明信片,与城市的形象密切相关,因此汉英公示语的翻译显得尤为重要。广州以其悠久的文化历史和先进的文化教育资源吸引着很多外国人的到来,特别是在广州主办了2010年亚运会之后。但是在公示语的翻译方面仍存在着许多问题,城市公示语的翻译及规范问题倍受关注。

    关键词:公示语  存在问题  翻译策略
        Public sign is a special text that is applied in different public places. Nowadays, public sign acts as a name card of a city, and their translations are essential to the image of a city. So the Chinese-English translations of public signs are becoming more and more important. With long history, abundant culture and advanced education resources, Guangzhou attracts many foreigners, especially after holding 2010 Asian Games. But there are still many problems in public sign translation. It is proposed that great attention be paid to the translations.
    Based on language characteristics of public signs and their translation categories, this paper studies the translation theories and principles of public signs and puts forward translation methods such as literal translation, free translation, omission translation and so on. This paper investigates English translation of public signs in some public places in Guangzhou, finding many errors such as translation versions not being unified, misspelling, syntax mistakes, mistranslation and so on. In a bid to improve the quality of these sign translations, it suggests that translators should receive occupational training and related certificates in public sign translation, and the government should establish authoritative censorship for translations and enhance public opinion supervision system.
    Key words:  Public signs;Existing problems;Translation theoriesContents
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1. Introduction    1
    2. Characteristics and categories of public signs translation    1
      2.1 Characteristics of public signs translation    2
      2.2 Categories of public sign    2
    3. Translation strategies of public signs    3
      3.1 Translation theories and principles of public signs    3
      3.2 Translation methods    5
    4. The analysis of the existing problems of public signs translation in  Guangzhou    7
      4.1 Versions of translation are not unified    7
      4.2 Misspelling    8
      4.3 Misuse of words and syntax errors    9
      4.4 Over-reliance on Pinyin    11
      4.5 Superfluous words and redundant sentences    12
      4.6 Mistranslation    13
      4.7 Inadequate cultural connation    14
    5. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
     1.    Introduction
    It’s universally acknowledged that Chinese Import and Export Commodities Fair, also called Canton Fair, has been held biannually in Guangzhou, which attracts thousands of merchants all around the word and impels trade development.
  1. 上一篇:《傲慢与偏见》和《金锁记》中的婚恋观比较英语论文
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