
    Some experiments on using mind maps in English reading teaching in junior high school are conducted to test whether it can arouse students’ interest and improve their reading achievements and explore the feasibility of this kind of method. If the result of the research is valid, what the writer do has positive effects on breaking the traditional reading methods and solving the relevant problems about English reading teaching. 

  1. 上一篇:英语介词By的空间隐喻视角分析
  2. 下一篇:中学英语任务型教学现状研究
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  2. 《红字》中基督教义在人物性格上的体现

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  4. 文化语境在翻译中的重要性

  5. 探究建构主义理论在高中语法教学中的应用

  6. 任务教学在初中英语口语教学的应用

  7. 游戏教学法在小学英语教学中应用

  8. 德语论文德语汽车技术词汇中的名词特点

  9. 应用于ITSOFCs的浸渍电极制备与性能研究

  10. GC-MS+电子舌不同品牌的白酒风味特征研究

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  12. 地方政府职能的合理定位

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