a. General Studies on Tourism Text Translation
From the Cultural Perspective
Translation is an intercultural communication. For quite a long time, translation studies have concentrated on translation methods, ignoring cultural factors involved in translating. From this perspective, many studies have been done by scholars, such as Guo Cong and Gu Yaqing. Many scholars believe that the culture difference causes difficulties in translation.
From the Perspective of Communication
Communication is to share information, with which translation shares the same purpose. In the essay “C-E Translation of Tourism Text from the Perspective of Communication”, the author Wei Juan adopts communication theories into tourism translations. From the perspective of communication, translation is a process of information transmission. In communication, the transmitter and the audience should be regarded as a whole, as well as the translator and the target reader in translation. Wei analyzes the characteristics and functions of Chinese tourism text. Based on this and communication theories, Wei offers practical translation strategies.
From the Perspective of Relevance Theory
Wilson assumes that human cognitive is relevance-oriented: people pay attention to information that seems related to them. When a speaker goes about communicating with others, he/she automatically intends to communicate the presumption that he/she will say something that is supposed to be optimally relevant to the audience.
The paper “The Translation of Culture-loaded Tourism Text from Perspective of Relevance Theory” written by Zhang Yining, Lv Zitu and Feng Chunhua is mainly about the relationship between the translation of tourism texts and relevance theory, discusses the cognitive principle of relevance and communicative principle of relevance and translation. This paper tries to figure out an accurate ‘equivalent’ in understanding the corresponding information and to spread national culture.