
     Many scholars have made numerous researches on the advertisement translation. There are many helpful papers, articles and other resources, such as Function-oriented Approaches in Commercial Advertisement Translation by Lu Wang and Zhao Guodong, The Basic Strategies of Advertisement Translation by He En, Applications of Skopostheory in Advertisement Translation by Fang Weiwen, and On Translation of Advertisements from the Perspective of Culture by Zhan Jianhua and Dong Zhiyun.

    After reading so many articles, the author has her own opinion. Advertisement translation is an intercultural activity which is targeted to the target language readers. The center of advertisement translation is to achieve the expected aim and functions of the source text. With the instruction of Skopostheory, the advertisement translation can operate from a whole view, with the target receivers as the most important factor. Only by this way can translator create a good advertisement vision. 

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