
    The author has her unique views on the Civil War, and her compassion on black people is also reflected in the shaping of black images, so she creates these black images with distinct personalities. They are Mammy, Uncle Peter and Prissy, and so on.

    1.2About the novel文献综述

    This novel has topped American bestseller lists since it was published. And it was translated into more than 40 languages and sold in bookstores worldwide. The film adapted from Gone with the Wind also won Oscar awards. Although some literary researchers at home and abroad have mixed opinions on the novel’s value, there is no doubt that the novel is loved worldwide.

    It portrays plenty of southerners’ images of that era. Scarlett O’Hara, Rhett Butler, Ashley and Melanie Wilkes are the four main characters and typical representatives. The author creates these black images such as self-respected and loyal Mammy, timid and confused Pricy, and the tall Sam, etc. She uses a unique perspective to interpret the war, and the images of blacks. Various kinds of characters are included in this work, the images of blacks also occupy a large proportion even though they are not the main characters, and each of them has a distinct personality among this work. 

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