
    As a result of the globalization, advanced costume technology can be extended all around the world. However, the western costume culture dominates the whole world, especially American costume that plays an important role. That’s why our Chinese costume is not so popular. Young people are crazy about western life style, value, technology and clothing. They chase after the unique independence spirit of the USA. Fortunately China has developed her costume industry swiftly, which wins a position of global costume industry for us. 

     This thesis focuses on the analysis of the similarities and differences of clothing culture between China and America. What distinguishes Chinese costume culture from the USA? Why are there so many differences? Are there any similarities between them? What kind of costume culture will Chinese hold as the main stream in the future? To find the answers to these questions, we are supposed to study the characteristics and development of clothing culture and draw some conclusions.

    To contract the costume culture between China and the USA, it is necessary for us to master a good knowledge of the Chinese and American costume cultural characteristics. We can learn more about the two countries and strengthen our abilities of intercultural communication.

    2. Literature Review

        “Every nation has its own language and culture. Garment is similar to language, which can reflect people’s spirit, interest and attitude towards life.” (Lou Dan,2010.(6): 72-73) A report of Charming China written by Lou Dan presents this topic to show us the importance of our garment. She also says that with the development of our country and the explosion of the global economy, it is emergent for us to communicate with other countries. And clothing culture of a country is an important part which indicates a country’s history, culture and people’s characteristics. 

    In Li Caiqing’s opinion, there are many differences between Chinese and western clothes and she also says something about the differences between China and American. For example, she says: “The Chinese dress is ‘self-respecting,’ whose psychological orientation is ‘introspective’.( Li Caiqing 2008.(6):140-165) 文献综述

    Chinese dressing style is not fashionable but is focused on ‘self-regulation’. The Chinese continuously adjust to the old and new dressing ideas and then seek New Harmony in continuous reflection.” Chinese costume conception is just the opposite of the western whose dressing value is ‘inpidual’ and psychological orientation is ‘extroversive’. 

      There are many factors leading to the cultural differences between the two countries. Many authors have presented us their different opinions in this areas and Yang Chunyuan made a good statement. “Chinese has a 5000- year history and its culture has a long history while USA has a history of only two hundred years. Economic development, the dominant culture of European culture as well as the geographical environment, historical background, development process and other factors, the Sino US culture also show great difference.” (Yang Chunyuan.烟台大学学报,1998.(10): 22-24) These sentences explain the historical causes of the cultural differences between China and America.

     The economic and political reasons are two most important factors in our study which is concerned with garment culture of China and the USA. China is a developing country. Compared with America, its economy is relatively weak. There is a saying: “the economic base determines the superstructure”. Clothing culture is a kind of superstructure. So the different economic foundation determines the clothing culture.

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