
    Besides group work and pair work, there are two more ways to improve teaching effectiveness in the large class size. On the one hand, teacher can help several groups of students with priority and help with students’ pronunciation and pragmatic errors. Teacher can also sum up common mistakes in the class and make a post-task assessment to provide a consolidating opportunity. However, the ideas, thoughts and meaning that students want to express should be given more attention, rather than corrections of students’ language mistakes. Group and pair drills not only provide more chances for students, but also decrease learners’ anxiety psychologically and enhance their confidence.来!自~751论-文|网www.751com.cn

    On the other hand, what needs to be carefully considered is that all of the students should be given more opportunities to join the process of completing tasks, instead of being ‘audience’. The moment when one student or one group is doing the report in front of the class, others are supposed to do records, make a summary of the report, or write down their own comments on that. Sometimes, it is even favorable to appoint several groups to record the words and usage of the language, behavior and so on. To draw a summary, group work and pair work in large class size not only creates more chances for language using, but also develops students’ habits of learning while not joining the task.

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