
    Abstract Harvard University plays a leading role in classroom teaching. This study provides a possibility to catch sight of cultivating critical thinking in the USA. Michael Sandel is prominent at creating comfortable environment for the boom of critical thinking, which sets an excellent example to tackle the issue.70450

    The purpose of this study is to describe the behaviors in this Harvard course which are beneficial to critical thinking. The aim of this study is to answer the following questions: What is critical thinking? What is the necessity for critical thinking in college English classroom? What techniques or skills to learn in the classroom?

    The success of cultivating critical thinking in Justice with Michael Sandel presents great significance in education, especially in China where students lack of this kind of thinking. 

    Since only qualitative research is conducted in this study, quantitative problems still remain in this prospect. More effort is demanded for the further study.

    Key words: cultivating critical thinking; college English classroom teaching; Justice; qualitative study 

    摘要在课堂教学领域哈佛大学有着举足轻重的地位。本文一窥美国批判性思维培养的现状。Michael Sandel 十分擅长为批判性思维的出现及逐步培养创设良好的环境,哈佛大学公正课给我们树立了很好的榜样。






    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Necessity of Critical Thinking in College English Classroom 3

    3.1 Critical thinking in present college English classroom 3

    3.2 The brief introduction to Justice with Michael Sandel 4

    4. Application of Cultivating Critical Thinking in Teaching 7

    4.1 Creating a comfortable atmosphere 7

    4.2 Organizing various types of activities 8

    4.3 Reflective study 10

    4.4 Assessment reform 11

    5. Advantages of Cultivating Critical Thinking in English Teaching 11

    6. Conclusion 13

    Works Cited 15

    1. Introduction 

    With the development of college classroom teaching in domestic area, critical thinking has exerted greater and greater influence on thinking modes in teaching. As an abstract idea of thinking, critical thinking might be hard to be vividly expressed in daily classroom. While critical thinking is a stepping-stone to innovative thinking, the problem why most of students are insufficient with innovative thinking is indeed a lack of critical thinking. Cultivating critical thinking actually is a prerequisite for the cultivation of innovative thinking, which attracts more and more attention from home and abroad. As a study lack of practical experiences in domestic teaching field, it is essential to follow an example of great success from foreign classroom. Michael Sandel is an experienced teacher in lecture classroom teaching; his eloquence is absolutely presented in audiences’ eyes.论文网

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