
    Abstract In English teaching, lead-in can be seen as the prelude of an integrated teaching. In the meantime, it is also the most basic step of teaching. Lead-in plays an important role in focusing students’ attention, introducing the topics and gingering up atmosphere on lessons. While there is no fixed method of teaching, it is important to get the right way. What a student really needs is a way to study but not solutions to questions. For arousing the interest, strengthening the confidence of students and improving the teaching quality, teachers have to make good preparations on how to lead in effectively before the class. The aim of this paper is to improve teaching efficiency in English class by emphasizing the importance of lead-in by class observation. This paper summarizes different lead-in strategies in different types of classes in middle school and finally makes some suggestions on the application of lead-in.70454

    Key words: lead-in; junior school English teaching; effective teaching; interest; motivation




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature review 2

    2.1 A brief introduction to lead-in 2

    2.2 Study about lead-in abroad 3

    2.3 Study about lead-in at home 5

    3. Strategies and Classification of Classroom Lead-in 6

    3.1 The strategy of lead-in by teachers only 7

    3.2 The strategy of lead-in by teachers and students together 8

    4. The Application of Lead-in In Different Types of Classroom 10

    4.1 The lead-in strategy in new lesson 10

    4.2 The lead-in strategy in practice lesson 11

    4.3 The lead-in strategy in review lesson 12

    5. Conclusion 12

    Works cited 14

    1. Introduction

    The great educator Comenius points out in his Great Didactic, education is an art which supplies everything to everyone. And in my opinion, lead-in is a brilliant point of teaching art which is one of the most important parts in teaching. As the well begun is half done, a good lead-in should be full of interest, pertinence and innovation which can not only close the distance between teachers and students, but also make teaching successful. Without doubt, it can improve the efficiency in English classes. 论文网

    According to the New English Curriculum Standard, the objectives of basic English teaching are to strengthen students’ interest and build up self-confidence, also to adopt good study habits and effective learning strategies in studying English. Additionally, Standard points out that teachers are required to motivate students’ initiative and clarify learning objectives at the starting point of a class, which is a fundamental task for teachers in teaching process. Lead-in is just the class activity which is designed for this purpose. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal, as the English teacher in middle school, we have to focus on how to get the maximum enthusiasm of students in limited 45 minutes. Teaching English as a foreign language also interprets that a full lead-in step should be able to attract students’ attention, motivate their thinking and can form a clear target which can guide them into the topic of this lesson. As is mentioned above, lead-in plays an important part in classroom teaching and it can’t be replaced by other teaching steps.

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