
    Abstract Specialty of the subject of translation of children’s literature is reflected on the duality of subject: on one hand, the adult translator should comprehend the source text with the eyes of children. The translator should have both aesthetic awareness of adults and that of children. On the other hand, he/she should apply children’s language to translate the source text so as to, not only conform the translated text to the cultural conventions of the target language but also let children of the target language easily and gladly accept it. Readers of the translations of children’s literature, both children and adults, completely differ in such aspects of physiology, psychology, knowledge, life experience, cultivation and aesthetic savor. Due to its special readership, children’s literature demands that the translator should fuse himself /herself with the character in the story, by forsaking his/her mature reading perspective as an adult, and by trying to take into account psychological behaviors and language habits of children of the target language and retaining the childlike innocence characteristic of children’s literature. Skopos Theory is of much importance in Functionalist Approaches which include three rules: Skopos Rule, Coherence Rule and Fidelity Rule. The core of the theory resides in the ‘skopos’ or ‘purpose’. With this in consideration, guided by the  Skopos Theory, through analysis of the two Chinese versions of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the thesis explores the influence of the purpose of translation that the translators have in mind before they set out to work, on their choice of strategies of translation which consequently lead to a target text.

    Key words: Chidren’s literature; the Skopos Theory;translation;Harry Potter and the Deathly Harrows

    摘 要儿童文学翻译主体的特殊性表现为主体的二重性,即译者一方面作为成人读者要以儿童的眼睛去体会原语作品,译者既有成人的审美意识,又有儿童的审美意识;另一方面译者用目标语儿童的语言将原文翻译出来,使译文不仅符合目标语的文化传统,还要被目标语儿童所易于接受并乐于接受。儿童文学翻译的读者,即儿童与成年人,在生理、心理、知识经验、人生阅历、文化修养以及审美情趣上都迥然不同。儿童文学翻译由于其读者的特殊性,要求译者应该抛弃自身作为成年人所具备的成熟的阅读视角,将自己融入到作品的角色中,并在翻译过程中尽量考虑目标语儿童的心理行为以及语言习惯,再现原作的风格和童趣。目的论是功能翻译理论的一个重要理论,涵盖了目的法则、连贯法则和忠实法则,为儿童文学翻译提供了理论基础。目的论的核心就是翻译目的。本文以目的论为基础,通过分析著名儿童文学作品《哈利波特与死亡圣器》的两个中译本,探索不同的译者在翻译儿童作品过程中,由于其翻译目的的不同,从而各自采取不同的翻译策略,最终导致译文形式和风格上的差异。70453

    毕业论文关键词:  儿童文学;目的论; 翻译;《哈利波特与死亡圣器》


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Children’s Literature Translation 3

    3.1  Children’s literature 3

    3.2  Characteristics of children's literature 4

    3.2.1 Vivid image 4

    3.2.2 Imagination 5

    3.2.3 Literary heritage 5

    3.2.4 Personal development 5

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