
    Second, the problems originate from the translators. The translation of children’s literature has been naturally affected by the commercial economy. So the translated children’s literature is sometimes arbitrarily regarded as goods. It is a great pity that lots of translated children’s works have been strongly commercialized. This is completely done by those translators who detract from translating children’s literature, or who have no clear purpose in their translating as a guide. There are fewer writers who devote themselves into knowing children, translating excellent children’s literature into Chinese, and serving children.

    Third, the problems come from the other aspects. The publication of children’s books has become a serious business, not merely because it is profitable, but because it is taken for granted that children’s books can greatly influence their minds. It doesn’t matter what lesson a book teaches. Parents’ eagerness to instruct their children, together with the bookseller’s increasing emphasis on selling more books to broader audience, will have negative result on children’s accessibility to literature. Moreover, the increasing emphasis on selling more books to broader audience will have negative result on the quality of them. There is a trend of rewriting the classics into simpler language which supposedly appeals to larger audience.来`自^751论*文-网www.751com.cn

    In literacy translation, the translator is expected to transfer not only the message of the source text but also the specific way the message is expressed in the source language. In this respect, Skopos theory provides a theoretical foundation for literary translation, and allows translators to justify their decisions so as to make other translators, readers and publishers understand what was done and why. 

    With this in consideration, guided by the Skopos Theory, the author is aimed at exploring the influence of the purpose of translation that the translators have in mind before they set out to translate children’s literature, on their choice of strategies of translation which consequently lead to a target text.

  1. 上一篇:合作学习在初中生英语阅读教学中的应用
  2. 下一篇:中学英语课堂导入的设计与分析
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