
    First of all, this study will be focused on the present situation of critical thinking in the domestic college classroom, where this kind of thinking apparently lacks. Taking the example of Justice with Michael Sandel, the thesis will explain critical thinking from the definition and classification in the Delphi report to dig into investigation. Therefore, how the art of cultivating critical thinking is employed proficiently is the main body of this study, while many of our domestic college teachers are short in this term. Students, whose teachers are deficient of this type of teaching experiences, lacking critical thinking, are bound to fail in fierce competition in modern society. Critical thinking is the core competitiveness in modern society. As a member of modern work force, it is of great importance for college students to foster critical thinking. 

    Apart from practical benefits mentioned above, the art of cultivating critical thinking will make up the insufficiency of teaching skills in today’s college classroom in a form of lecture from a theoretical perspective. As a field short of specific criteria, only weighed from an abstract qualitative angle, it suffers from a risk of quantitative support, but it is still a breakthrough to learn from foreign good examples.

    The overall structure of this thesis will be like this: part 1 demonstrates the definition and classification of critical thinking; part 2 explains the necessity of critical thinking of classroom teaching in today’s colleges; part 3 shows the art of teaching of Michael Sandel in Justice and how to apply the art of teaching in college classroom. After all, it is rather difficult to cover all aspects in classroom teaching. 

    2. Literature Review

    Critical thinking (CT) plays an important role in various fields, such as philosophy, psychology and education. While critical thinking is an abstract concept, different experts hold different points of view on the definition of it. Some believe that critical thinking is initially a process of reaction (Browne & Keeley 3). Stella Cottrell (2005) explains that “critical thinking is a cognitive activity.” With different aspects of research, critical thinking is rendered with various types of definitions.文献综述

    An important consensus, known as “the Delphi Report” (Facione 10), was announced as “We understand critical thinking to be purposeful, self-regulatory judgment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerations upon which that judgment is based. CT is essential as a tool of inquiry. As such, CT is a liberating force in education and a powerful resource in one’s personal and civic life.” 

    Although critical thinking involves the endeavor of each inpidual, it is also thinking that can be collaborative, thus can be cultivated in the classroom.

    Critical thinking involves attention in all aspects, consuming effort to give it to birth. Therefore, cultivating critical thinking (CT) remains a hard nut, associating with various skills, dispositions and some trivial tips. 

    However, in China, confronting the examination-oriented education system, it is critical thinking that most of people lack in thinking methods or skills. 

    From the perspective of cultivating critical thinking in the college English classroom, it aims to qualitatively describe what has been done by Michael Sandel. Some special techniques or skills will set an example to follow, which show great significance in today’s society.

    This open class has received concerns from all aspects of learning and teaching. The absolute success of its performance brings the studies on it to birth, which is beneficial to cultivating critical thinking in the college English classroom.

    Critical thinking is an abstract definition hard to define. Some experts have their ideas on it already. This study will focus on critical thinking in college classroom in China. With the study of the findings and discussions, knowledge and skills can be learned and employed in college English classroom. 

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