    The Importance of Business Etiquette in Business Negotiation Abstract
    With China's accession to the WTO, economic and trade exchanges between China and other countries become more frequent and various forms of international business negotiations become wider. As an important part of business negotiation, business etiquette is the key factor to decide the success or failure of business negotiations. Therefore, we must pay more attention to business etiquette in business negotiation and then make full use of etiquette strategies in business it negotiation, which finally attributes to the success of business negotiation and trade cooperation. In this thesis, we adopt literature research method firstly to introduce the definitions and principles of business etiquette and business negotiation, and then analyze the importance of politeness in each stage of business negotiation by means of case study. Finally, we try to carry out some countermeasures for business negotiators to better use of business etiquette in business negotiations.
    Key words:  business etiquette; business negotiation; importance of politeness
    摘  要
    关键词:商务礼仪;商务谈判;礼仪重要性 4302
    Abstract    I
    摘  要    II
    1. Introduction    1
    2. Business etiquette and business negotiation    1
    2.1 The definition of business etiquette    1
    2.1.1 The definition and content of business etiquette    1
    2.1.2 Studies on the business negotiation domestic and abroad    2
    2.2 The definition of business negotiation    3
    2.3 Basic principles on the use of business etiquette in business negotiation    4
    2.3.1 Know yourself as well as the enemy principle    4
    2.3.2 The principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity    5
    2.3.3 The principle of consultation on equal footing    5
    2.3.4 The principle of separate people and things    5
    2.3.5 The principle of seek common ground while reserving differences    5
    2.3.6 The principle of respect the opponent    5
    2.3.7 The principle of preliminary examination    6
    3. The importance of business etiquette in business negotiation    6
    3.1 To regularize behavior    7
    3.2 To convey information    7
    3.3 To improve the relationship    7
    3.4 To set up the image    8
    4. The role of business etiquette in various stages of business negotiation    10
    4.1 The role of business etiquette in the preparation stage    10
    4.1.1 Selection of time and space of negotiations    10
    4.1.2 Selection of negotiators    11
    4.1.3 Pay attention to appearance and grooming    11
    4.1.4 Decorate negotiation hall    11
    4.1.5 Full preparation before negotiation    12
    4.2 The role of business etiquette at the beginning stage    12
    4.3 The role of business etiquette in the process of negotiation    13
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